Why should you read a biochemistry treatise on the origin of life? I submit to you that your faith, and the faith of your children, is under attack.
From Saturday morning cartoons to sitcoms for adults, they are replete with references to, if not outright and direct indoctrination into, evolution. Your children will experience the THEORY of evolution as a FACT of how life began on planet earth. That public indoctrination continues from elementary school into middle school, high school, and then in the final coup de grâce to their faith, college. It is the warm and loving wink-wink-nudge-nudge of that one special teacher that begins to cause the child to disbelieve the biblical account of creation. “Aw, your parents don’t believe in science. Well, I’m more highly educated in science than your parents or pastor.” Then, with dazzling displays in every museum, from the Smithsonian to your own state’s natural history museum, the students are left with an impossible scenario. They must answer questions on science tests with the answers the teacher allows. Their very grade, and thus their academic achievement, is measured by supplying answers on tests that are contrary to their religious upbringing and I suggest, are scientifically wrong.
By the time your child enters college, they no longer see any connection between science and God. They are already compartmentalizing everything that they have learned in religious settings as “God stuff” and school settings as “scientific stuff.” This sets the student up for a conflict of conscience. That conflict is usually either resolved in college by rejecting religion or religious teachings—or by ignoring the conflict altogether until some major malady brings them face to face with the failure of science or dangerously close to their own mortality.
You as a parent have a duty to guard what your children are learning, just like you prepare them for all other areas of their life. You teach them to walk so that they can become independent and prosper in society. You teach them to talk so that they can communicate their needs to you and grow in understanding and relationships. You teach them to read so that they can excel in school and become successful in life. You teach them to swim, not just to get rid of them for hours at a time in the summer so you can enjoy some peace and quiet, but so they will have the best chance for survival in the water. You teach them not to play with fire so they don’t get burned or damage the property of others. So why do you leave it up to someone else to teach them how they, and their world, were created?
Many people, even those that have taken some biochemistry, don’t have a clear understanding of the concepts that prove that there is a Creator. What you choose to call the Creator: God, Intelligent Designer, I Am, or the Original Biochemist—that’s up to you. But Science has progressed to the point that anyone who is intellectually honest, will come to the knowledge that life does not spring forth from non-living molecules.
So, since our largest churches are now teaching about the radical grace that Jesus espoused while He was here bringing us this good news, does it matter what anyone believes? Aren’t we all covered by grace anyway? Yes, there is no sin that grace cannot cover. But which understanding will lead to a love and respect for life? A godless religion, or a devotion to a Creator who loves us and has an individual purpose in mind for each of us? A cosmic accident, or an Original Biochemist that has a special purpose in mind for each protein in each cell in each living thing in His creation?