Username: Bladen

by J.V. Carr



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/4/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 280
ISBN : 9781449782832
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 280
ISBN : 9781449782818
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 280
ISBN : 9781449782825

About the Book

What if messing up insanely in a video game could somehow cause serious catastrophic events on Earth? Like maybe a devastating hurricane or an airplane crash? That’s what happens to eighteen-year-old Bladen, after he’s chosen to play in the real-life game Arcis. At first he thinks it’s cool, until his dreams become plagued by a black widow spider that begs for his help; death players want to murder life players like him on Earth, and Bladen realizes that when a level is lost, disasters can’t be stopped. 

Bladen’s life becomes more and more tormented, as he stumbles between two worlds filled with hatred, jealousy, and love, until he hits a turning point and has to decide what he wants—to continue to sacrifice in the game, even if it costs him his life, or give it all up for his first love.

About the Author

J.V. Carr could be found as a child poring over mountains of books or lost in the library on a lazy summer day. She has fond memories of the musty smell of old books and the excitement she felt when reading something new. Later in life, while teaching her children to read and write at home, she realized she had a passion for writing as well. Now she lives in southern Vermont with her family, including numerous children and exchange students from around the world, in a busy house filled with kids, where life is never perfectly organized.