Running the Race with the One

I Love You, I’m With You & All Is Well!

by Lou Richardson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/25/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781512781069
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781512781083
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781512781076

About the Book

This book is my testimony, my journey through cancer. I am healed from this dreadful disease. Cancer is a devastating disease, but it does not have me. Cancer is not greater than my creator.

I am healed, delivered, and set free from cancer. This was a giant that had to fall!

Running the Race with the One is written to inspire you to never give up on God!

The Lord knows the plan that He has for you, and His plan will come to fruition. He can do all things but fail.

Run your race with endurance, persevere, always trust the Lord. Never doubt.

Run the race with the One who is the winner.

Remember—you have the victory!

About the Author

Lou Richardson is sixty-two years old, a single mother of four amazing children; she resides in Houston, Texas.

Lou has eleven grandchildren and one great-grandson; She loves her family and is grateful to be a mother, grandmother and great grandmother.

She enjoy taking brisk walks, strolls on the beach, and yoga classes. She says this helps her to relax and also contributes to her keeping physically fit.

Lou was diagnosed with breast cancer in October 2008 and was healed while sick.

She was inspired by the living word of God to write about her journey with cancer. Her desire is that other survivors and their family members will gain knowledge, and be encouraged from reading her story. She believes that we learn and grow from going through the challenges of life.

Running the Race with the One, Jesus, you will reach your destiny, and along the way, you can help others who may have encountered what you’ve been through.

It’s not a race of speed or who can finish first but to understand that you are not running this race alone, but with the One who will see you through.

Lou’s journey has been tedious, but by God’s grace, she has persevered. He has never left her nor has He forsaken her.