Preserving Family Ties

An Authoritative Guide To Understanding Divorce and Child Custody, for Parents and Family Professionals

by Mark David Roseman Ph.D. CFLE & With Richard Sauber



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/2/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781973609544
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781973609537
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781973609520

About the Book

Preserving Family Ties is a timely, interdisciplinary guidebook for pro se parents, attorneys, GAL’s, therapists and family court judges to more fully understand the fundamental social science to craft better child custody orders that are truly in the child’s best interests.  Educators, social workers, medical practitioners and psychologists will find a common understanding of life’s complexities and how they can work together to improve child outcomes when parents separate.  The text is a hand’s on journey through the science of family change and will be of further value for students in professional human service and related fields. It offers child welfare advocates with opportunities for family court reform and policy makers with guidance for new and improved co-parenting legislation and child protection.

Says Dr. Richard Sauber, author and forensic psychologist, “Dr. Roseman engenders to emphasize the importance of recognizing the multiple threads of variables that appear regardless of orientation such as culture, gender and sexism, heritage, psychopathology, parental intellectual capacity, physical abilities, addictions and various displays of substance abuse disorder and finally psychological states that the parents present.”

About the Author

Dr. Roseman is a child custody consultant, Certified Family Life Educator, mediator and speaker on contemporary family issues, particularly high conflict divorce, and co-parenting. He served as Assistant Director for Child Access Services (1999-2006) for the Children’s Rights Council under the aegis of joint custody pioneer, David L. Levy, Esq. In 2008, Dr. Roseman founded the Toby Center for Family Transitions offering therapeutic reunification and child custody services for parents choosing to separate. Dr. Roseman finds that acknowledgement, recognition and support are the three pillars to help one most effectively move forward from most of life’s challenges. He has found that personal transitions may be easiest when one uses humor as a healing mechanism.

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