The Entry Usage section will be used to instruct you on how to use the Entry Section of this book. What first needs to be understood is that imperatives are found in sentences or clauses that give a command. Then it needs to be understood that the subject of all imperative sentences is an understood “you” or a form of the word “you”. But there are some times when an imperative is directed to a certain person or a certain group. Thus there are four different types of imperatives found in this book. Each type will be explained separately.
First there are two types of imperatives found in the Entry Section of this book. The first type are those in which God is speaking directly to you. These imperatives are referenced by the Bible verse or verses they are within. Then the Bible reference is followed by the word “you” in parentheses to indicate that not only is “you” the subject of the imperative, it also shows that this imperative is meant for you. Then the reference is followed by the entry for that particular imperative. The entry is simply words of encouragement to not only help explain the imperative, but also to encourage you to have this imperative as a part of your life. Please remember that not only will you be showing God that you love him by doing his commands, in them God is showing you a much better way of life. James 4:8a will be used as example for this type of imperative.
James 4:8a (you) Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.
YOU CAN BE AS CLOSE TO GOD AS YOU WANT TO BE. The more you seek the ways of God and truly want them as a part of your life; God will draw closer to you. The infinite, omnipresent, omnipotent creator of the universe wants to be close to you. You would be a fool not to take advantage of that. Not only that, you would be an outright stupid, brainless, dim-witted, and without doubt complete idiot for not taking advantage of that. This author realizes that these last few statements may not be very scholarly, but he certainly hopes he gets the point across. What an awe inspiring, sobering thought that God wants to be close to you! And Jesus did make the statement in John 14:21 that says, “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.” No wonder this author wrote this book, Imperativity, for if you keep his commandments, God will love you. He already loved you enough to let his own Son die for your sins (Joh. 3:16; He. 2:9). Now that you are saved, he wants to shower even more love upon you. Hey, read about those who did keep the commandments of God in Hebrews chapter eleven. Do you realize that if you obey this imperative, we could have been reading about you if you had lived in those times? And it would not be because you think you did something great. It would merely be because you wanted to be close to God. Therefore draw nigh to God; he will draw nigh to you.
The second type of imperative is one that is directed to a certain person or group. Yet it could potentially pertain to you if you fit into the person or group in which that command is given. It is written in the same manner as the first type except for its subject. And although the subject is still an understood “you”, the person or group the imperative is intended for is written as the subject in place of the word (you). Ephesians 5:25 will be used as an example of this type of entry.
Ephesians 5:25 (husbands) love your wives…
Colossians 3:19 (husbands) love your wives, and be not bitter against them.
I Peter 3:7 (husbands) dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor
to the wife…
Husbands, according to these companion imperatives, you have a tall order to fill. There is no way you can fill that order without being lead by the Spirit of God. First, Ephesians 5:25 tells you to “love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it”. If you meditate on that for a while, you will come to realize the awesome responsibility you have toward your wife. You just cannot fulfill that responsibility without being right with God. Then Ephesians 5:33 tells you to love your wife as much as you love yourself. And you must admit that you love yourself extremely, magnanimously, over abundantly, well, you get the picture. If you love your wife as much as you love yourself, she will not lack for love. Then Colossians 3:19 tells you to not be bitter against her. If you have children, she has it a lot tougher them you realize. This is why God made you the husband, for you could not handle the duties of the wife without his extreme grace. And even though she would probably fail because it is not God’s will, she could probably handle your duties as a husband with much less problem. Then there is the monthly cycle she endures and the change of life she goes through during her middle years. No wonder the Holy Spirit through Paul tells you not to be bitter against her. She goes through enough without your scorn and ridicule. After all, she does have to put up with you. Therefore you must deal with the wife according to knowledge and in that give her the honor she deserves. So love your wife. Love her as much as you love yourself. Do no be bitter against her but rather deal with her according to knowledge, giving her the honor she deserves.
The third type of imperative is the type that could not possibly be for you. These are all listed in the “Not for You” section of this book with a brief description telling from and to whom the imperative was given. There may be some spiritual thought that may be gleaned from these imperatives that may pertain to you; therefore they are listed for your reference.
The forth type of imperative is the commands that start with the imperative verb “behold”. These imperatives are concerned with what God’s Word is teaching or perhaps it is trying to get you to acknowledge a certain doctrine or realistic spiritual thought. Hence these “beholds” could be the subject of an entirely new book. Therefore all the “behold” imperatives are listed at the end of the “Not for You” section. But do not be confused, these imperatives would be a good Bible study and most of them are meant for you.