Short Strolls in Faith

by B. A. Brightlight



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/9/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 252
ISBN : 9781490815466
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 252
ISBN : 9781490815442
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 252
ISBN : 9781490815459

About the Book

Relax your body and let your heart and mind take a pleasant journey—a short stroll in faith. Travel along in forty-two separate trips with the writers, who find God’s presence in the ordinary moments of their lives. One author see the imprint of God’s hand in a game of golf, where the endless process of perfecting one’s shot is reminiscent of the never-ending struggle to rid oneself of sin. Another recalls childhood stories and the unconditional trust that children tend to place in their friends, knowing that this is the very same kind of trust they must strive to place in God. A third author describes the difficult journey of being diagnosed with terminal cancer and compares it to a cab ride with the Lord and the amazing peace that he has in his heart to trust God—whether He takes him to his home or God’s home. Short Strolls in Faith offers insightful and humorous commentary of applying the tenets of scripture into everyday life.

“It’s virtually impossible not to recognize oneself in these homespun stories of Christians connecting with God as they go about the ordinary business of living their lives as the authors speak with voices that should make readers feel right at home.”
—Clarion Review

About the Author

Tom McAllister is the primary author of Short Strolls in Faith and is the chief operations officer with Growth Ministries International. He was the founder and CEO of CMAC, Inc., a technology consulting firm in Atlanta, and has also led companies ranging from recruiting firms to a barbecue restaurant. A former navy supply officer, Tom has a BS in nuclear engineering from Georgia Tech and an MS in logistics management from Florida Tech. He serves as a Stephen minister at First Baptist church in Gainesville, Georgia.