The Willisby Orphans

In The Keys to the Bottomless Pit

by G. Wil Hembree



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/28/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 552
ISBN : 9781449723668
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 552
ISBN : 9781449723651
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 552
ISBN : 9781449723644

About the Book

The Willisby Orphans weaves a grain of truth into a rip-roaring tale of twists and turns in the very real and present danger of spiritual warfare. Over two thousand miles from home in a small town in Tennessee, Katlyn and Kramer Willisby are suddenly orphaned, scared, and alone. Their future is uncertain.

The holy Forces of Light warriors wage war with Satan’s Unholy Evil Legion for the Willisbys’ souls. Flaming battles and clashing swords swirl around the unsuspecting fifteen-year-old Katlyn and eight-year-old Kramer. Everything goes wrong, and the watchful eye of the State and daily survival is a constant fear. They don't know what to do without an adult in charge.

Margaret Willisby is born from accidental necessity with a wig, fake glasses and big, ugly shoes. Their only surviving relative is a stranger. Aunt Grace is a forgetful, eighty-eight-year old who never realizes the orphans are orphans nor does she know they live in her upstairs rooms, and Aunt Grace doesn't know that Margaret Willisby isn't real.

Danger lurks at every turn, compliments of Satan’s UEL fiends, but God’s Forces of Light warriors fight the UEL, despite Divine Intervention Restrictions, trying to protect the Willisby orphans in an explosion of mystical, spiritual truths.

Does a spiritual world lurk within the seconds of time? Are spirits hidden within layers of chance, invisible and eternal, in a war that has always been? Is there a mission of good versus evil? Do angels and demons exist?

Watch the Willisby orphans unknowingly caught in a war that has waged since time began as Katlyn and Kramer question their strange and ill-fated future.

About the Author

G. Wil Hembree lives in southeast Tennessee and is a small business owner. She holds a master’s degree in business, a bachelor’s degree in nursing administration, and is a lifelong student of the Bible. She has four children and six grandchildren. This story was spoken from a child’s vivid imagination and questions about the evil present in our world. Declining public schools’ abilities and willingness to promote Christian fiction along with decreasing exposure of children to Christian principles propels the author to write quality fiction that feeds the mind, spirit, and soul.