In the beginning, I had no intention of publishing a book, I simply enjoyed writing out my thoughts about the scriptures as I studied them. After writing numerous commentaries on various other books of the Bible, I decided to tackle the five books of Moses, aka Torah. Somewhere along the line it occurred to me to print these commentaries so that after I am gone my children would know my thoughts on matters of the scriptures. Eventually, it became clear to me that ignorance of Torah was widespread and deep even within the Church of Jesus and that maybe a few other people might benefit by my humble observations.
Many hours and many days went into this project, though over a period of about five years, here a little there a little. As I grew in understanding, I changed some of my comments, deleted others while continuing to add, so you will see redundancy here and there because of it, which is okay. Some things need to be repeated. It’s not a story book, I never intended it to be anything other than a learning helper.
Hopefully, my grandchildren might be interested. Their generation knows nothing about how life was when I was young and free. I am nearly eighty, still in reasonably good health considering. Our parents raised us to respect and value the Ten Commandments and local schools reinforced our parent’s wishes for their children to be morally straight in all their dealings. Previous generations to this present one had little need for locks and lawyers because they had been raised in this way. To be sure we had some trouble makers, but they were few and rarely dangerous.
Today it is inconceivable that someone would come to a public school once a week to teach children something from the Bible, but we had that and I cannot think of anyone harmed by it or even objecting to it. I cannot recall one thing from that experience, but overall I know my generation was pretty much self governing as a result of education and parenting as it then existed. Police Departments were not occupational forces in those days either, policemen were our friends and neighbors. Central government was seldom given much thought except during time of war. Central government support from personal federal income taxes was insignificant also. Secular society is much more costly to maintain than a religious society. Much has changed since then—way too much!
As the wall between Judeo Christian education and secular government education grew in strength and dominance, so too did evil doing and the need for more and more government and less and less freedom. As the church retreated from education and from Torah, it fled to a new kind of super spirituality apart from social and civic responsibility. Thus churchmen and government men worked synergistically to divide the nation along extreme secular and extreme religious lines.
On the other hand Quranic Islam does not share this new schizophrenic wall of separation between people’s belief and government, and its logical systemic resistance to it should be obvious to everyone.
The change in the way Americans view life has come at an enormously great material and spiritual cost. Material life alone is not real any more than a spiritual life alone. Man is first a spiritual being needing spiritual sustenance and secondly a material being needing material sustenance. Christians have too long indulged in spiritual feelings devoid of the reasonable building block nutrients that sustained the first believers and the church for ages.
Hopefully I will have given hope to readers by helping them to realize just how relevant the underlying eternal principals of Torah are today.
It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Messiah Y’shua (Matthew 4:4)
Ignorance of the Scripture is ignorance of Christ. St. Jerome (347–420AD)
He is the Author of both Testaments, because the New is prefigured in the Old and the Old is unveiled in the New. St. Augustine (354–430AD)
Miserable Christians, whose words and faith still depend on the interpretations of men and who expect clarification from them! This is frivolous and ungodly .The Scriptures are common to all, and are clear enough in respect to what is necessary for salvation and are also obscure enough for inquiring minds—let us reject the word of man. Martin Luther (Luther’s Works, V.32, Pg. 217)
NUN. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Psalms 119:105)
The lamp is the Word of God, the Oil of the lamp is the Spirit of truth. “But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, [even] the