Beginning over, again? Have you fallen down and want to get back up, but aren’t quite sure how? Perfect. That’s a good place to be—a little bit humbled, and hungry for change!
The truth is, whether you are a stay-at-home parent, corporate CEO, doctor, lawyer, Indian chief, “butcher, baker, or candlestick maker,” and regardless of how many zero’s are stacked behind your bank account digits, not one person on this planet is immune from loneliness, failure, set-backs, personal defeat, or even the depressing malaise of mediocrity.
Maybe you’re struggling with a devastating loss, e.g., the death of a loved one, an estranged or wayward child, a broken marriage, or a loss of your way of life. Or, perhaps you battle depression—a symptom of the chasm between your life presently, and where your heart of hearts long to be. It could be that you find yourself repeating patterns of self-defeating behavior, such as, continuing in unhealthy relationships, or practicing an addiction that threatens to destroy you. Possibly, you are wrestling with such an overwhelming combination of things, that starting over seems virtually impossible to you. If so, take heart. Your hope-filled journey is just beginning.
Roadmap to Ultra-recovery
This book, laid out in an intimate fifteen session coaching format, reinforced with fascinating and heartwarming experiences of real life clients, serves as your road map to what I call ultra-recovery. “Ultra-” because you don’t want to just recover what you had before—you want to ultra-recover, i.e., discover a far greater way of life than would have been possible had the unfortunate event(s) not occurred.
There is Hope for You
You may be thinking, “You don’t know my story. I just think I’m too far gone, and there is no hope left for me!” Well if that is you, then I invite you to read further. You see, I believe that there is always hope for every person who desires a new direction in life. In fact, the depths of despair you may be feeling could very well represent an emerging turning point in your life.
It is when we feel beaten down by life, and our wounds are raw, and throbbing with pain, that our awareness is quickened. We see clearly that a problem exists, and we become motivated to search for solutions. As Albert Einstein once said, “The problems you face cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them.”
Let Your Journey Begin
Could this dark night of the soul serve as a curious beckoning, calling you to explore untapped reservoirs of possibility that have lain dormant within you all along?
Could this book offer clues that will assist you towards discovering many of the answers to your life’s disappointments; launching you on a journey of personal success and fulfillment beyond anything you could have ever imagined? The answer is a resounding, “Yes!”
Your Springboard to Success Has Arrived
As a result of our time together, the personal insights you will learn can virtually launch you towards a richer, more meaningful, and more successful life—the life you’ve dreamed of for years, but always seemed to fall short of obtaining. The fear, confusion, doubt, and insecurity that mark your present reality will fade like darkness before the rising sun. Confidently, you will burst forth into a new life of clarity, renewed strength, and inspired purpose.
The Get Up! New Mind Synergy success formula forms the basis for this book, and contains a compilation of the very best of more than fifteen years of personal experience, human study, counseling, and coaching practice. As you read, you will discover what I, and countless others, have discovered: there is no problem so great, no situation so hopeless, no habit so deeply rooted, that it cannot be overcome.
Change is Possible
By linking powerful, mind-transforming techniques (cognitive interventions, Part One) with your deepest inner passions (expressed through goals, Part Two), a New Mind Synergy is created (repeated here for those who skipped through the Preface): “synergy” originates from the ancient Greek term, syn-ergos, which is used to describe the compounding phenomena of two or more agents working together, achieving considerably more than two single agents acting independently could achieve, and resulting in an end product that is greater than the sum of its parts. This results in a new, more powerful thought life—a new, more powerful you!
What to Expect
In Part One (Sessions One through Two), Get Up! unflinchingly sheds light on many of the most common reasons for failure. Sometimes our wounds are self-inflicted. In that case, aren’t you tired of going round-and-round the mountain of repeated self-defeating thoughts and behaviors? Of course, other contributors to failure lie outside of our control, e.g., natural disasters, etc.
Regardless of the cause(s) of your situation, Get Up! introduces a variety of insightful and practical remedies to assist in your journey towards personal recovery (Sessions Three through Six).
An “aha” moment (where the fun begins!) will emerge as you discover how to turn obstacles that loom like giants before you, into life regenerating springboards for personal success.
Part Two (having laid a proper cognitive mindset foundation) builds on the previous section by introducing time-tested strategies used by many of the world’s most successful men and women to accomplish great things (Sessions Seven through Nine).
A built-in goals program with powerful and easy to use exercises and inspirational instruction will assist you in developing your own personal blueprint for life success (Sessions Ten through Fifteen).
Fascinating real-life client stories, interwoven throughout, will encourage and amaze, as you discover that the problems people face are common to all of us, and that they can indeed be overcome by applying the principles outlined in this book.
Now that we’ve been introduced, let’s head into the office to begin our first session.