Return To Me
What if God hates religion?
Book Details
About the Book
What if God hates religion? So many of us have been programmed to think that we need to follow a certain ritual or that a certain church will make us get right with God. We have it all wrong. God doesn't want our religion and our good deeds without having our hearts. That's what He wants is our heart. He is a gentleman and He stands at the door of your heart waiting for you to invite Him into your life. He won't barge in, He waits to be invited in. God is not interested in what church you go to or if you go to church, He wants your heart! When you look around the church today what do you see? Is there room for a relationship with Jesus in the midst of the religion that we have created by following our rules and rituals? Are we still trying to earn grace? When I look around the church today I see a lot of Pharisees that are so caught up in their religion that they have forgotten about the relationship with their Savior. Jeremiah 24:7 I will give them hearts that recognize me as the Lord. They will be My people, and I will be their God, for they will return to Me wholeheartedly. The time has come that we return to God with our every day worship. The time has come for us to take up our cross and follow Jesus. The time has come for us to wave our white flag of surrender and allow God to be the Lord of our life.
About the Author
For most of my life I had an unrealistic expectation and sense of who God was. I pictured Him as an angry being filled with wrath. But at one of the darkest times of my life I discovered a loving, graceful God that was full of love and mercy. As I was getting to know God through His Word I realized a passion that was growing inside of me for other people to realize what I had realized, a God of love. Jeremiah 24:7 has lit a fire in my heart that began this journey of writing Return To Me. I am a devoted follower of Jesus and have been obedient to His call to write. I am just an ordinary girl and mom following an extraordinary God. An extraordinary God that in not interested in what church you attend or what religion you are but is interested in you and your life.
As I look around the church today I noticed that we were all trying to work our way into the acceptance of God. We all seem to try and follow the perfect set of rules. We are trying to find our way to God's heart by performing for Him. We are seeking approval from religion and other people. The church has moved into following a religion instead of following Jesus which in return has turned people away from church which breaks my heart and I know breaks His.
I live in Palm Desert, California. I am crazy in love with Jesus and my passion is to see others fall in love with their Savior the way I have by laying down their religion and surrendering their every day life to Jesus.
BACK COVER: I am crazy in love with Jesus and my passion is to see others fall in love with their Savior the way I have by laying down their religion and surrendering their everyday life to Jesus.