Critical Condition
The Lack of Common Sense in America
Book Details
About the Book
Critical Condition tackles several issues in our country today for which the lack of using common sense has simply taken us down a road of bureaucratic nonsense, leaving fears of offending someone if our laws do not fit into the far lefter’s expectations and laws being circumvented by our courts today. From the trillion dollar health care bill to our ridiculous income tax laws to worrying about offending those who attacked the US on September 11, 2001, our country’s use of common sense is in Critical Condition. In the pages of this book you will find a fair hearing on each issue, as well as how common sense can and will make things better for all of us.
About the Author
The author has been an employee of the US Army for more than 23 years, serving with the Army Materiel Command (AMC). He is the author of the book “Time Witnessing”, where many of our freedoms are addressed in detail, as well as a look at what God has planned for us humans in the future.