Marriage Is Honorable
Book Details
About the Book
“Marriage is honorable in all” (Hebrews 13:4). The enemy has attempted to destroy marriage since the garden of Eden. He continues to use the same trickery in this day and time. Christians have been charged to honor marriage above all else. Marriage represents Christ and his bride in every aspect. When the marriage is affected, the breakdown of the family is inevitable, and the church suffers. Christians everywhere are encouraged to turn their marriages over to God and allow him to transform their mind by renewing the spirit man. Marriage can be heavenly if the God of heaven is allowed to be the foundation upon which it is built. You can never stand tall in your marriage until you fall on your knees together and honor your marriage before God. The standard for marriage starts with the saints of God. Will you accept the challenge of allowing God to bless you as you honor the Holy Covenant called marriage?
About the Author
Felisa Burnside was born and raised in Philadelphia, Mississippi where she met and married her high school sweet heart William in 1987. They have been blessed to see many years of holy matrimony. Through trials and challenges, God has allowed them to stand the tests of time and live to tell others how God can strengthen their marriage and give them marital bliss. They have two children, She'Keena Arielle and William Malcolm. William and Felisa served in the ministry pastored by Dr. Clifton Jones and Elder Stan Jones, Sr. of Jerusalem Temple Church in Philadelphia, Mississippi for 16 years. Together they worshipped with the saints at Jerusalem Temple in the Sanctuary choir, Pastors Aid Committee, Adult and Youth Usher Board, Bible Bowl Quiz Team, Deacon's board and Brotherhood. William and Felisa now reside in Shreveport Louisiana with their children and attend New Testament U.P.C. under the leadership of Bishop Vernon R. Brite. They currently assist in the marriage ministry at New Testament U.P.C.