Don’s journal: A non-fictional chronological and complete eye witness testimony of my near-death/out of body experience and its post- evidentiary effects; another recipe for man’s salvation as seen through the eyes of our creator GOD’s HOLY SPIRIT and the mysterious, awesome power HE possesses. It is simply another tool in HIS arsenal to rescue our soul from Satan’s grip; so we can return to our heavenly father and he can welcome us home with open arms and say to us, “come in my faithful servant and receive your reward prepared for you from the foundation of the world”. I think it is appropriate for me to begin this journal by borrowing words from a popular song by Elvis Presley; one of my favorite artists. “Welcome to my world, won’t you come on in; miracles I guess still happen now and then; step into my life; leave your world behind; welcome to my world, a world with you in mind.” It’s a world of truth, but more importantly of “PROOF OF LIFE AFTER LIFE.” The following messages bear this out (no. 21 and no.22) since my 70th birthday in the year 2007, from GOD’s HOLY SPIRIT: (30 Mar 10) Tuesday of HOLY week: I received a message (no.21) from the spirit at 3:00 p.m. this afternoon; I was in the process of beginning my 45th novena (Sign of 9’s) meaning 9 days of prayer utilizing my mom’s large rosary; given to me by my brother Fabian. It said, “use the journal for my father’s glory; you have proof of “Life After Life”; I will guide you; do not be afraid.’
(11 Apr 10) Sunday: I received another message (no.22) from the spirit at 8:30 a.m. on this “Divine Mercy Sunday”; second Sunday of Easter as follows: “give the journal as a gift from my HOLY SPIRIT to the world; to demonstrate my spirits power and don’t be concerned about Satan; I will neutralize him and the gates of hell will not prevail against this.” I am a rescuer of souls, especially the lost ones, on what I call, an “M.M.A.S.”, meaning a mission of mercy for all souls created by GOD; because I now know this is from GOD to all of you my readers and to the entire world. Because of near-death experience, I’ve decided to remove from my vocabulary two words, “believe” and “death”; they are superfluous. “Believe” now equals “know” and “death” equals, “passing on”; we will not die, the only souls that will die, are those sentenced from GOD to hell for all eternity. Their chief punishment is not seeing their creator face to face and remaining in torment and complete darkness forever. It’s theological and can be proven through my experience and millions of others, that we all have an immortal soul and an intellect (a power
in the soul) with a free will (to do or not to do) endowed by our creator with his image and likeness were going to “pass on” from the material world to the immaterial word; were going to live FOREVER; I know I was close to heaven where I was given a little glimpse and returned to this world and my post-evidence is the proof. Recall from “Natural Theology”; whose premise is knowing GOD through nature by his effects (causes) in the world; the definition of a miracle; a sensible event outside the powers of all nature done by God alone and “the test of truth is the objective evidence” of course I will let you, my reader, ascertain whether this experience is a natural cause (caused by nature) or a supernatural cause by GOD and therefore a miracle? It’s your prerogative, not mine. Throughout my journal a great deal of my testimony will be redundant; a technique I will use to over emphasize our creator GOD’s supreme power. Remember also GOD is the Supreme Being who made all things; being immutable, meaning he can’t change and he can’t error; HE’s omnipotent meaning HE’s almighty. All powerful and he has omniscience, complete infinite knowledge and he also is a necessary being and an intelligent being, meaning he possesses a perfect communicable intellect; what an awesome GOD we have; we should all rejoice and thank HIM for all he has given and continues to give HIS “Agape”, meaning, “perfect love” to HIS creation; enjoy this journal; a snippet of HIS love from our creator to me and now to you. This journal simply isn’t a novel; it actually happened to me that wonderful January morning and is still happening as I deliver this message to you, from the HOLY SPIRIT, my advocate and guide here on earth. Please keep in mind reader that before you make that ultimate decision of my experience, as to being a miracle or not; there are “NO COINCIDENCES IN LIFE, ONLY STEPS IN GODS IN GODS PLAN.” I want to borrow words from another favorite song of mine and I hope you recall it too; “it is no secret what GOD can do, what HE’s done for others HE’LL do for you; with arms wide open HE’LL pardon you, it is no secret what GOD can do”, HE selected me and did it for me now he can do it for you; that’s the message I want to send in this journal. I’m sure whoever that whoever peruses this journal will receive a blessing of healing and inspirational power for both themselves and their families, from our heavenly father and I pray that their ultimate reward will be eternal life with him in heaven. AMEN, meaning, “so be it”.