Anger, A Biblical Perspective
Book Details
About the Book
Is your anger according to God's design or Satan's? The Bible has many things to say on the topic. There is scriptural guidance and direction on this characteristic. Did you realize that God gets angry? Whatever you are angry about, it is probably not as silly as the king who replaced his queen because she would not show herself off in front of his guests at his drunken feast. The story is inside, and so is the way God used this situation to save His chosen people. Don't have time to research all the appropriate verses? You don't need to. It's all inside.
About the Author
Dale Gillaspie is a layman with a strong desire to know more about God and His purpose for our lives. Therefore, he spends a lot of time in prayer and Bible study. He has taken the Scofield Bible Correspondence Course, offered by Moody Bible College located in Chicago, Illinois. This book is the result of the expression of extreme anger in all phases of his life and the desire to be delivered from this devilish torment. He turned to The Bible for answers. This exhaustive research created volumes of notes. These are scripturally backed evidence for God’s anger and evidence of the anger of the characters we know from the Bible. Dale looked for the source of his anger in the Scriptures and soon realized the Bible was not about him. Once he removed himself from the equation and concentrated on the Word of God, he was delivered of his severe anger, and his notes became this book. He soon noticed others around him had the same problem. We all need help, and God is the only solution.