The Master's Brick

A Story About Purpose

by Melisa Bass O’Connor & Illustrated by Marcia O’Connor



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/26/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 30
ISBN : 9781449775384
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 30
ISBN : 9781449756451

About the Book

Have you ever wondered about your destiny? Why were you created? What purpose are you meant to serve? Can God use you the way you are? Where do you fit in?

There was a plan for us all before we were ever made. We each have a purpose, a special place to fit. Join the Master’s brick on his journey to find that special place.

“Long before I held the manuscript, I knew that Melisa Bass O’Connor would be a successful author. She speaks with such fluidity that one never has to re-read or stumble through a sentence. I first received this story while on vacation and read it out loud to those I was with. We were all speechless for a moment as the story sank into our hearts. Old or young, you will be touched by The Master’s Brick. It is my prayer that this will be one of many books that you and I will hold in our hands and in our hearts.”

—Rena Perozich, author of The ABC’s of Being a Mother

About the Author

Having worked with children in schools and churches for more than twenty years, Melisa Bass O’Connor has heard the questions children ask and understands their need to belong. She knows that every child needs to feel appreciated, know that they are loved, and find God’s unique plan for their lives. Her desire is for parents, teachers, and caregivers to utilize her resources and knowledge to help children understand just how special they are and point them to the One who has the plan for their lives.

Melisa resides in Morgantown, West Virginia with her loving husband and four beautiful children. In addition to taking great care of her family, she is a full-time college student and serves her church, Morgantown Faith Center, as a preschool teacher.