Personal Mastery
The Believer's Road Map to Destiny
Book Details
About the Book
Unanswered prayers over time, an unprecedented level of anointing, and the greatest wealth transfer known to man are stored up like a cumulus cloud ready to burst over a generation that is aligned with the purpose, will, and plan of God. For years, God has been preparing this generation to fulfill a God-sized vision, one so huge that initially, they would balk at it. He is inviting believers to complete “personalized” assignments beyond their highest prayers, desires, hopes, or dreams. This cannot occur, however, until believers do the personal homework required to ensure they are not assailed by Satan on their way to fulfilling destiny.
Personal Mastery is about making you whole on the inside so you can do great exploits on the outside. It will transform you into someone bigger than your fears and greater than your past. Learn how to proof the heart, emotions, and thinking powers, so that you may keep yourself calm during times of adversity. Learn how to navigate through life victoriously, utilizing the wisdom of God, and learn how to discover the purpose of God for your life—the true art of fulfillment.
Let Pastor & Dr. Moss help you start this amazing journey with these revolutionizing principles:
- Invading Culture with the Kingdom of God
- Giving God what He Wants
- Why EQ Trumps IQ
- Self-Mastery Tips
- Taking Responsibility for Your Emotional State
- Discovering Your Uniqueness
- Becoming a Giant Slayer
- And Much More
About the Author
Perry and Belinda Moss are pastors of Soteria Christian Center International, a non-denominational church in Smithfield, Virginia. They are also personal mastery consultants, teaching people how to discover their gifts and calling necessary to fulfill destiny. They have one daughter, Dawn, and the apple of their eye, one granddaughter, Breanna.