Track Down

by Celestine S. Ikwuamaesi



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/30/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 302
ISBN : 9781449765798
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 302
ISBN : 9781449765811
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 302
ISBN : 9781449765804

About the Book

“Neither give place to the devil.” (Eph 4:27)

“You accepted Christ without repentance. That’s why you could keep cult materials in the drawer and the Bible on the desk. Your former cult members call you DeBoss; your church members call you Pastor.”

The Queen roared. Her voice rumbled as in a dark cave. Soon, a croaky voice came on. “He’s still our man, though a traitor.”

Many Christians believe the devil exists only on the pages of the Bible. Many collect items associated with the devil or Satan worship; call them Artifacts. Many more believe their earlier romance with the devil is over. Forget it! The enemy never gives up. He searches for a way to recapture his former captive: an opening through sin, or a link through his patented items.

Track Down provides insight into how the Devil latches on to people’s ignorance—not sin this time—to frustrate deserters who take up arms against his kingdom by preaching Christ.

This is not about Satanism or demonism, but real life spiritual experience that beclouds the intellect.

About the Author

CELESTINE S. IKWUAMAESI is an architect, pastor, intercessor, and author of four Christian books including Ushering In His Presence—a manual for Christian ushers. With his wife, Glad, he pastors Saving Word Church in Lagos, Nigeria. He publishes free teaching magazine, The Saving Word, and evangelical tracts. Since accepting Christ at a Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship meeting in November 1987, Celestine has been active in Christian leadership both in the Full Gospel and the local church. Praying for Christians with strange spiritual problems, he gained insight into the way the enemy works in the life of people.