Many stories have been told and written about a boy named David, a shepherd, who became king of Israel. Much has been shared about his life as a warrior and his role as a leader. But one significant and intimate message of who David is comes through his own words—words which reveal the type of person who pleases God—one who has an upright and loyal heart before God.
The close of David’s life upon the earth is seen as a fulfillment to all he was created to do—physically—lay the foundation (plan and provide) for building the Temple of God and spiritually—lay the foundation for loving God. It might appear his mission was incomplete because he did not build the Temple of God. However, what is seen in David’s life is God’s vision and mission carried out by one who is known as the man after God’s on heart. He was a man who carried the love of God in his heart and revealed that love through his writings so those who read the Word of God might draw into an intimate relationship with the LORD God, as David called Him.
In reading the Scriptures from the New King James version of the Bible, (1 Samuel 16-30, 2 Samuel, 1 Chronicles 3-29, 2 Chronicles 1-6 and the Book of Psalms) many aspects of God’s relationship with David and David’s relationship with God unfolds through a message of love. To cover the intricate details of David’s entire life would be a monumental undertaking; therefore the focus for this book is the love David had for God that emerges from the pages of the Bible. The central questions that shaped the contents of this book are those that impact a person’s life as one seeks to know the God of the Universe. In order to know and encounter God as David did one must start with questions such as (1) what does it mean to be a man (person) after God’s own heart? (2) How does one know when he/she is chasing/pursuing God’s heart? (3) What transpires in and during the process of knowing God intimately? (4) How does one know the vision and mission of God for his/her life? (5) What evidence allows one to know whether his/her legacy leads to a dynasty? (Spiritually speaking)
In order to convey the message of love that has been placed upon my heart and gain insight to the questions posed, it is critical to remember the best-kept secrets are found on the pages of God’s Word. The focus on David’s life is one opportunity to learn of God’s love as He seeks to reveal and fulfill His covenant with each person. God uses David’s life to illustrate a Divine Call, life-changing journey, a great love affair and the importance of leaving a legacy birthed through His Son, the Potentate of the dynasty.
Take your time to reflect upon the starting point of this book—the end of David’s life –so you may see the condition and position of David’s heart for God. As you read, draw upon God’s love for mankind as revealed in the Destiny of a Shepherd, the Dynasty of a King being overcome by His love!