Chapter One: A Formal Introduction
Lurking behind state-of-the-art church buildings, sold out conferences, polished television ministries, and best-selling books there are hidden lies in the body of Christ that can no longer be ignored. Pastors, regardless of how small or large their congregations, must embrace a harsh reality: They and their members are in an intense struggle with two powerful and crafty demonic spirits. For many of them, the seeds of this struggle were planted in their lives beginning as far back as conception or early childhood. The spirits of rejection and rebellion have become deeply rooted strongholds in the body of Christ. Their effects have trickled down from leadership to ministry staff and lay members. Sadly, because of position and pride, many pastors and leaders will never admit to their struggle with these demons. Like a fungus, they remain hidden in the dark, free to thrive and spread. Now there is a church filled with rejected and rebellious people. Pride will not allow church leaders to expose any weakness. Fear muzzles them with the threat of not being accepted and godly counsel is avoided. If the leadership is dealing with strong rejection, surely it flows down to the people under their authority. The end result is a body of believers who are rejecting and deceiving one another. Long ago the prophet Isaiah painted a picture of the condition of God’s people. He said of them, “Your head is injured, and your heart is sick. You are battered from head to foot—covered with bruises, welts, and infected wounds—without any soothing ointments or bandages.” Isaiah 1:5-6 NLT
This problem has become celebrated like masquerade parties that were popular centuries ago. Guests attended masquerade balls in disguise so they were unidentifiable to others in attendance. The masks were beautifully decorated in bold colors. Men and women full of vanity wore prideful masks, which represented their success and positions of distinction in society. Unfortunately, this same ball is going on today and has relocated itself within the body of Christ. Churches across the globe are joining in the deceptive dance. People that are knowingly being oppressed by spirits of rejection and rebellion are now comfortable in their sin as long as they can “dress-up” and go to church without being exposed to the truth. Ministers, pastors, and other leaders are so consumed with the business of ministry that they do not dig deep into the hearts of the people to deal with that rebellious spirit that has been suppressed for years. Week after week and month after month, auditoriums across the nation and around the world are packed for these mega-masquerade balls. Hundreds of thousands of rejected and rebellious people come together to further fortify and empower these demonic spirits instead of gathering for true healing, repentance, and deliverance.
The truth of the matter is that we in the body of Christ do not have a true understanding of each other even though we work in ministry together. It is common for people on ministry teams to deceive and manipulate one another or step over others for the sake of gaining a position or recognition. We have become cannibals and should heed the warning given by the Apostle Paul as he warned the church, “…If you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!”
Galatians 5:15 NKJV
The spirit of rejection is so greedy for acceptance that it will become malicious in order to gain the attention of church leaders or other authority figures. Ironically, although people under the influence of rejection long to be accepted and promoted by those in authority, in their hearts they are really rebellious against all authority. This will be further explained and discussed in a later chapter. But for now, consider the condition of Lucifer’s heart as he promoted himself and rebelled against God’s authority in Heaven. He said in his heart:
“I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.” Isaiah 14:13-14 NKJV
Obviously Lucifer felt that his promotion was long overdue [rejection] so he took matters into his own hands and attempted to overthrow God’s throne [rebellion].
The fear of rejection is like a silent torture chamber that holds the body of Christ in prison. Because true deliverance is not being preached, the children of God have made this prison their permanent dwelling. This fear is a stronghold of demonic ecstasy because it has been undetected and very effective against the people of God for such a long time. It is shocking when we begin to realize how often this type of attack takes place in the body of Christ today. Countless men and women of God will do whatever it takes to feel accepted because the seed of rejection is so deeply rooted within them. Rejection brings shame with it, so those held captive by rejection will often refuse to be exposed or admit their bondage. They have forgotten that openness brings healing and restoration:
Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. James 5:16 NKJV
But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanses us from all sin. I John 1: 7 NKJV
Do you wonder why so many powerful people in the world will never reach the FULLNESS of their potential in God? They often fall short of God’s intended greatness for them because of the spirit of rejection that attached to them early in life, crippling them with fear and the torment it brings (I John 4:18). As a result they become timid, shy, and ashamed of themselves. Surprisingly, many people in this condition would rather “dress up” their bondage and live in misery than have it exposed to those who can really discern and help them to be free.
The objective of this book is to expose and defeat two evil giants in our lives. We can also call them TOWERS. If you examine a tower of any kind, you will notice that it hovers over us. Towers are tall structures that usually dominate the skyline where they are found. Their height seems to diminish the significance of any smaller buildings in the surrounding area. Towers can be very intimidating. Rejection and rebellion operate the same way in the lives of those that they have oppressed. They are built up and fortified by giving us the false perception that we are always victims of life and that the people around us are always attempting to hurt or entrap us.
By now you may realize that rejection and rebellion, although they appear to be extreme opposites, are actually two sides of one demonic coin. They team up to form a cycle of chaos and destruction in the lives of those they entangle. Often the boisterous loudmouth is trying to cover up feelings of inadequacy while the timid, super-sensitive person is harboring resentment toward authority. How desperately we need the Holy Spirit to lead us into truth! When we rely on Him we can get to the root of issues that have baffled and captivated our loved ones and us. We no longer have to be misled by outward behavior.