Hard Times, They Are A’ Comin’
There is a spiritual tsunami of events and effects coursing through our world today. A natural tsunami begins in the hidden world under the sea, and is generated by underwater earthquakes caused by the shift of the earth’s tectonic plates. As it travels to the shores both near and far, it builds in destructive force, which wreaks great havoc, upon its arrival at those shores.
Likewise, there are hidden events and initiatives being spawned out of our sight, which will culminate in the major destructive events of the end times. Warning systems have been in place for millennia. Except for those who have studied biblical prophesies, most of mankind is oblivious to those warnings.
God designed the universe according to His own plan to reward those who serve and obey Him. He also warned of the disvalue of disobedience. Just as there are blessings for obeying God, there are furthermore consequences for not conforming to His plan and commands.
For too long mankind has tried God’s patience. In our world today we are seeing the ripples of the coming tsunami of consequences. Tsunamis give little advance warning of their imminent arrival. If the world situation continues as it has, we are in for some tough/wonderful times.
The Bible warns of a great falling away of some who currently are believers, but will turn their back on God, as we move closer to the final days. On the other hand, during those final days God will restore His chosen people, the Jews, to faith in massive numbers.
The upcoming spiritual tsunami is being prepared by God, as a means of wrapping up His final plans for His creation. Just as two tectonic plates violently rub together to produce earthquakes, God and Satan are moving to violently oppose one another in the last days. We, who have read the Book, know that God and his followers will come out the winners in this contest.
In current news and media we are seeing the work of the devil in:
• The growing apostasy of believers.
• Degradation of moral values.
• Economic chaos.
• Unrestrained violence in many regions of the world.
Men with antichrist-like qualities are moving both behind the scenes, as well as in the public eye. People with a modicum of biblical knowledge are looking forward to the event known as the Rapture.
At the same time we are hearing and seeing reports of tremendous spiritual revival and acceptance of Jesus taking place among people groups previously hardened against the gospel of Jesus the Messiah. In world events, the formation of the coalition involved in the coming war of Gog and Magog is discernible. Nations specifically cited in scripture are forming an alliance, which will come against Israel during the times of the spiritual tsunami.