Spending Time with God

Daily Devotionals to Empower the Life of the Saint

by Charles E. Jordan Jr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/25/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 324
ISBN : 9781449737665
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 324
ISBN : 9781449737641
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 324
ISBN : 9781449737658

About the Book

Do you have a desire to spend time with God, a desire to glean golden nuggets from His truth? Perhaps you long to draw closer to your maker, but you are having trouble learning how to trust God through the various circumstances that have occurred in your life. "Spending Time with God" will help you view all of life's situations as being beneficial to your spiritual growth and personal relationship with your heavenly Father.

Christ showed the importance of having intimacy with God the Father, as He would oftentimes steal away to a secluded area to be alone with Him. In a world that tries to keep us busy, we too must place a priority on intimacy with our Father, for at the Lord's feet we receive power, guidance, and knowledge to seek His face.

"Spending Time with God" is a Christian devotional that equips you with wisdom, encouragement, and strength to remain faithful to God and give thanks to Him in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). As you dedicate yourself to spending time with your Father, get ready to discover how He has destined you for greatness.

About the Author

Charles Jordan, an associate minister at St. Paul M.B. Church in Starkville, Mississippi and Columbus, Mississippi, has been preaching and teaching the gospel for four years. He is very passionate about ministering to the lost and encouraging people in their time of troubles. Charles is currently a senior at Mississippi State University, where he is studying Information Technology Services. He is the originator of the Facebook group "Getting in the Word," and he is also the president of the evangelistic ministry at St. Paul M.B. Church. Charles considers himself very family oriented and loves to spend time with his wife, Allishia, and their three children, Jayla, Javius, and Jaquez. Having a family along with being active at his church has given him a unique perception on ministry. Charles and his family currently reside in Starkville, Mississippi, home of the Mississippi State Bulldogs.