Zionism, Post-Zionism & The Arab Problem

A Compendium of Opinions About the Jewish State

by Yosef Mazur, Editor Mike Cohen Ph.D. & With Prof. Rafi Israeli



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/14/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 430
ISBN : 9781449736422
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 430
ISBN : 9781449736415
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 430
ISBN : 9781449736439

About the Book

“Dr. Mazur’s book is a must read! It will serve to uplift the young of our generation and strengthen their confidence and trust in the righteousness of the Zionist way…”
Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Moshe (Bogie) Ya’alon
Vice Prime Minister & Minister of Strategic Affairs

“Belongs in the permanent collection of core books owned by every person who loves Zion and cares about the welfare of the State of Israel…”
Zvi Hauser, Cabinet Secretary, Gov’t of Israel

“Definition of the problem is half the solution. Dr. Mazur’s complete and comprehensive display of the core issues allows the reader to fully understand the Arab-Israeli conflict from the Zionist perspective and understand that world peace will not come from further Israeli concessions…”
Prof. Gabi Avital, former Chief Scientist, Israel Ministry of Education
Chairman, Professors for a Safe Israel

“With immense patience and the precision of a surgeon, Dr. Mazur allows the facts to speak for themselves – which makes a refutation of Israel’s right to exist practically impossible…”
Prof. Dan Meirstein, President, Ariel University Center

“Dr. Mazur’s book is the answer for anyone who wants to know the truth rather than the lies and distortions constantly hurled at the Jewish people and the Zionist enterprise…”
Dr. Yossi Achimeir, Director, Jabotinsky Institute

"Dr. Mazur has revealed the secrets and dangers of post-Zionism and his stunning conclusions will contribute to the life-or-death discourse of our nation."
Prof. Rafi Israeli, The Hebrew University

About the Author

Yosef Mazur was born in 1919 in Ananiev, Ukraine and has been an active Zionist since age 11. Living in Israel since 1941, he has previously published Jewish Farmers in the Diaspora based on his PhD work at The Hebrew University and Beltsi, Basarabia: A Memorial to a Jewish Community. Yosef & his wife Shifra are great-grandparents many times over and dedicate this book to future generations.