Chase The Challenge and Conquer

My 4 R’s: Rubble, Recovery, Rebuild, Relationships

by April J. Ford



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/15/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781449737436
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781449737429
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781449737443

About the Book

“April has it made; she has everything.” It wasn’t uncommon for April J. Ford to hear this compliment, but what people didn’t know is that even with everything—husband, kids, house, career, cars, and a well-stamped passport—her soul was craving for settlement. She knew what would satisfy her soul for peace, but was she ready for the process? Chase the Challenge and Conquer with April’s life story, and you’ll begin to see why her unveiling process was a true transformation with her “4 R’s”: Rubble, Recovery, Rebuild, and Relationships.


Through her difficult and painful childhood, dealing with both failures and success in her adult life, April always persevered, relying on her faith and intuition. She unveils her inner pain, emotions, experiences, and beliefs that got her through having the perfectly matched marriage to transitioning from motherhood to widowhood.


Just as she was empowered and awakened by her true gift and abilities, you can also! Don’t ignore your soul speaking to you toward your life purpose and seek distractions or disruptive outlets in filling that void. If it’s left ignored or misinterpreted, it may ultimately disrupt your foundation, humanity, relationships, goals, and more.


Chase The Challenge and Conquer will not only empower you but it equips you  on finding the right answers for you; have you felt that your soul was craving for something when you thought you had everything, are soul mates real, how do you find your purpose in life, what is success, what is spiritual awakening. Just as April J. Ford was empowered and awakened by her true gift and abilities, you can also!

About the Author

April J. Ford didn't write her story in Chase The Challenge and Conquer, My 4 R's: Rubble, Recovery, Rebuild, Relationships just because she became a widow, her story began before this. Her work is proudly published by WestBow Press, a division of Thomas Nelson, a Christian publisher. April graduated from California State University, Sacramento with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE). She began employment with Intel Corporation as an Engineer. Through her difficult and painful childhood, to dealing with both failures and success in her adult life, April has always persevered relying on her faith and intuition. She is blessed with two children and is grateful to have been married to her soul mate. Aside from writing, April enjoys fitness, spending time with family and friends, traveling, cooking, shopping, and volunteering.