What Must I Do to Be Saved?

Preparing Youth to Receive the Promise

by I D Ward



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/25/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781449755430
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781449755423
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781449755416

About the Book

Today the Lord is blessing you with an opportunity to be forgiven of your sins. Take your first step toward improving your future. Through your faith in Christ Jesus, you can receive God’s greatest gift: eternal life! “For by grace are you saved through faith; and not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8).

The Holy Spirit empowers you to resist temptation. You will soon recognize God’s voice within yourself and be encouraged to turn from sin, foresee trouble, and avoid it. This text helps you learn the Word of God and see yourself in a new light that your parents or teachers may not have explained. Rethink possible. Build your faith by following Jesus’ perfect example, instead of counting on man’s likelihood to let you down. Take a hold of God’s favor that none of us deserves. It is your choice. Will you claim the victory? By opening this book, you have agreed to open your heart to Christ.

What Must I Do to Be Saved is the inspired word of God, tailor-made for teens and spiritual babes. The text contains testimonies, exhortations, and moral lessons that portray common lifestyles of teenagers. Scriptural references provide basic fundamentals and teachings of salvation, faith, repentance.

The outline heightens teens’ awareness of God’s presence within them. The internal battle of spirit versus flesh is identified to prepare youth to resist temptation and overcome obstacles. Each subtopic concludes with a lesson review which consists of multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank questions. Each question has a scriptural reference to assist research and memorization of the Holy Scriptures. “Check Yourself” is provided to emphasize how the biblical teachings can be directly applied to individual circumstances, mindset, or development.

Make that change! Choose to be set free from relational traps and locked-up mindsets that steal your joy, peace, and freedom to be who God has called you to be. I pray this message leads you to God’s purpose for your life. Do you believe?

About the Author

I moved to the Seattle area in February of 2011. I joined Center of Faith church of God in Christ, founded by Pastor Wilbur D. Vincent and First Lady Suganah. I have since learned to submit to God’s vision while increasing my faith for an emotional and spiritual makeover. I was blessed to be married to my lovely wife, Tia, following Sunday Worship service on October 23, 2011. I am working two jobs to fund my ministry as well as relocate my family from California. Through perseverance and commitment I am blessed to reap the fruit of my labor in Jesus’ name.

As a youth I was raised in a two-parent home. We were lower-middle class, lived in housing projects and urban neighborhoods. However, I was taught not to be a product of my degenerate, short-sighted environment. I received spiritual guidance at church while in elementary school. I was enrolled in a year-round Christian youth program called Destination Discovery. I attended Magnet schools that promoted diversity, fairness in opportunity and educational excellence.

At age 15 I made a costly decision to indulge in the street life. I went from being an honor roll student to a mediocre high school graduate. I was a half-attentive, misdirected college student not living up to my full potential. Several poor choices landed me in prison. Incarceration proved to be my Damascus experience. God led Metamorphism Ministries to me. I learned effective laws of bible study: Context; Normal Usage of Words; The Bible as a Whole; Foundational Truths of Sound Doctrine. More importantly, I learned practical application of the bible during the most unfavorable circumstances.

My divine transformation came once I transitioned from being a loyal church-goer to a follower of Jesus Christ. The difference was that I learned how to be Christ-like in my own house, and not only when I was in God’s house. I accepted accountability as a born-again believer and an explosion of revelation transpired as my personal relationship with Jesus became more intimate. I am on my path of “Restoration unto Salvation”. My calling is to repair the breaches I caused in the lives of many adolescents. God has given me visions that will help build the younger generation as noble saints.

My goal is to share the gospel and my testimonies in a praiseworthy format applicable to the lives of youth and spiritual babes. My message from God is tailored to those who suffer the consequences of rebellion, poor decisions, relational traps and unfavorable circumstances. By the power of the Holy Spirit everyone can breakthrough to success! To walk in repentance is a life-long journey that requires discipline, patience and faithfulness. I am in the business of saving souls. Fulfillment of my ministry manifests every time someone asks, “What must I do to be saved?”

As a published author my objective is to be a virtuous vessel God springs forth to fulfill His promise of salvation to all people worldwide. My reward comes when true repentance is birthed in the heart of sinners, and backslidden believers. My message is more of a movement: Take control by learning self-control in the pursuit of spiritual excellence! My duty is to break down barriers and build relationships to strengthen God’s army with repentant souls who simply need inspiration and direction toward leadership in God’s kingdom.

What Must I Do To Be Saved begins with an introduction of my calling from God to deliver a message to our youth, offering an opportunity to be saved from sin. My revelation and inspiration came from Ezekiel 2; 3:17-18. I admit that I cannot change anyone, nor can I force salvation upon adolescents. However, to remain obedient to the will of God I must pursue the mission of saving souls!