After I was healed, I was eager to return to one of my very favorite locations, the gym, where I met up with a beautiful lady by the name of Gail. We frequently worked out together. I explained my recent absence by sharing my amazing breast cancer story.. Gail, a blue-eyed, blond powerhouse who flipped houses for a living and did roofing jobs on the side, confided in me she had developed a blister in her nostril, which she had attempted to heal for months with rounds of antibiotics she was able to scrounge up, but to no avail.
With the downturn in the economy, she had become too impoverished to see a doctor and felt desperate.
Once Gail brought her condition to my attention, I could easily see that the end of her nose was crimson and taking on a purplish undertone, exactly the same colors I saw on my breast. She confided in me that she was pretty sure she had cancer in her nose. She had been a real sun worshiper in her youth. Not having any health insurance, Gail decided she was definitely going to try the simple and natural approach I was so enthusiastic about. Within a week, the large blister inside of her nose that she had battled for several months was totally gone, and her nose returned to its normal color.
Gail told me one of the reasons she was so open to trying the natural approach first, aside from being uninsured and not wanting to more than likely face a disfiguring surgery, was because her uncle was healed of cancer at a clinic in Mexico. He was an invalid when he was taken to the clinic, and a couple of days following his return home, he went deer hunting. So Gail knew there were options. She decided to take a natural approach and ended up with amazing results.
Another amazing testimony is the healing of Gavin McNamara. Gavin contacted me after being given my telephone number by a mutual acquaintance, Janice. Janice and Gavin had struck up a casual friendship while taking the same class at a nearby school. In a conversation during a class break, Gavin mentioned he had survived a bout with lymphoma, and the disease was currently in remission. Janice’s response to this was she knew someone who healed herself of cancer using a natural remedy.
Several weeks after hearing this claim from Janice, Gavin began to experience lethargy, and his wife, who worked in the medical field, was able to feel a tumor in his neck. He returned to his physician, and after undergoing testing, he was told the lymphoma was back—but this time, it had returned with a vengeance. His physician gave him three weeks to live and wanted to commence immediately with an aggressive chemotherapy treatment.
Despite the urgent warning which came with the doctor’s diagnosis, Gavin dragged his feet when it came to submitting to more chemotherapy. His initial experience with chemotherapy treatments for lymphoma was dreadful. According to Gavin, he had very narrowly survived and was left completely drained of energy. He seriously weighed in his heart whether further treatment would even be effective, as the disease had returned with an even greater onslaught. In addition to this, Gavin had a cousin in Baltimore who had recently died of the same type of lymphoma with which he had been diagnosed. Coupled with the news of his cousin’s death and the fact he had barely survived the earlier treatment, Gavin drew the conclusion that any further chemotherapy treatment was futile. He recalled Janice mentioning she knew someone who healed herself of cancer naturally, and he felt he had nothing to lose by choosing an alternative method.
Gavin made the valiant effort to haul his sick body out of bed the following Monday morning and go to the school, hoping Janice was in class that day. She was there, and as soon as class was over, he approached Janice and disclosed he had just found out the cancer was back and in a more aggressive form than before. Janice gave him my number, and he called immediately.
I briefly shared my experience with Gavin, and Gavin shared his situation with me. As a result of the extensive reading I had done, after just a brief conversation, I was able to tell Gavin exactly why he had developed lymphoma. I told him that he wore a lot of cologne, giving entrance to the solvent isopropyl alcohol into his bloodstream, and that he ate a lot of shrimp, a food that will surely take a toll on the health, as it contains allergens and is a trigger food for lymphoma. Gavin told me I was exactly right about both of these two habits he had, and he was completely shocked I knew these two things without ever meeting him.
Gavin made the decision to follow through with the same steps I took, and he and his wife were amazed at his recovery. Three weeks after his doctor’s grim prognosis, Gavin underwent another PET scan at his doctor’s office. His doctor was unable to find any cancerous cells in his body and declared Gavin was completely healed. His doctor was astonished.