The Healings

Three Stories of Miraculous Healing from Scripture

by Lonnie-Sharon Williams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/19/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 326
ISBN : 9781449758004
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 326
ISBN : 9781449757991

About the Book

I have always wondered why the Bible does not give names to certain of its characters. Scripture would stress “a certain man” instead of naming the man, or not give names to the people the Lord Jesus healed. It is noted that some names were of importance to the stories, while others only needed to be acknowledged as those who were healed.

For instance, Naaman the Syrian leper had an unnamed wife. The nameless leper who was healed (along with nine other men) returned to say thanks to Jesus for his miraculous healing. We know that nothing is said about him after his healing. There is also the man healed beside the pool at Bethesda by Jesus and, again, what happened to him after the priests and scribes questioned his healing on the Sabbath?

Hence, in the first story, Naaman’s wife and her little maid now have names and a history. In the second story, I continued the leper’s story as he relates it years later to his daughter-in-law. The third story gives a bit more insight to the character of the man who was healed by Jesus at the Pool of Bethzatha.


About the Author

Lonnie-Sharon Williams is a retired middle school teacher in the Cleveland (Ohio) Municipal School District. Prior to teaching, she was a paralegal/secretary at major law firms in Cleveland. She has been the recipient of many grants and awards in the teaching field, as well as in the legal field. Ms. Williams is a graduate of Cleveland State University.

Ms. Williams has been working with a teacher support group to help parents, grandparents and foster parents in the education of their children (NEWPals) in Science and Language Arts. She performed with an acting group called the University Circle Players and played various roles, including Joanna in Godspell, and as “Lulu” the clown. Lulu was a great character at celebrations, parties, and colleges. She also performs as a character actor in the role of “Great Aunt Mattie” in tribute to her late great-aunt and paternal grandmother in churches, for birthdays, and anniversaries.

Ms. Lonnie has one adult son, Robert (Clare) and is a writer of poems, plays and short stories. She loves to listen to all forms of music and is also a liturgical dancer. She and her cat, Mykal, reside in Cleveland.