Centurion Living

Life Planning Fundamentals

by Dr. Justin Thompson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/7/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781449770884
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781449770907
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781449770891

About the Book

Did you ever ask,
"What is the meaning of life?"

Find out what Scripture has to say about the answer to this question as you develop a strategic life plan that is centered on God's purpose and vision for your life. Learn to see your entire life and all the everyday things that you do as divine assignments given to you by God Himself. You may change your perspective on life and gain a whole new passion for living.

“To begin this process we must understand our origin.  Where do we come from?  Why are we here?  What is the meaning of life?  What (or who) defines our purpose?  These are the most fundamental questions for a business to answer before creating a business plan, and they are the most fundamental, foundational knowledge that an individual must acquire and define before any meaningful plan for life can be developed.”

“The intent of this book is to be a guide to a stronger understanding of God’s purpose for you, and to apply this understanding to the defining of values and a vision for your life.  In later chapters you will see how applying the foundation of purpose, values and vision through ALL of the missions in your life with a clear strategy that maintains focus on your original purpose, will help reveal God’s purpose for your life.”

“When asked to define their purpose in life people often state that they were meant to be an engineer, or accountant, or doctor, or clergymen, or parent, or whatever.  Someone may be called to one of these specific missions, but a mission in life is different from life’s purpose. … A mission is a life role, or assignment…  Purpose is a fundamental meaning, or reason for being…”

About the Author

Dr. Thompson is a visionary person seeking to understand what God wants us to be. He enjoys the process of guiding people to accomplish more than they thought possible, and is an avid believer that every Christian is a full-time evangelist, missionary, and ambassador for Christ, regardless of profession.