Ordinary Fragments

Meditations for the Dailiness of Living

by Audrey Brown Lightbody



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/19/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781449761325
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781449761318

About the Book

Through fourteen weeks of daily devotionals, she guides us to understand that God is in the ordinary.

The simplicity of the everydayness of living can serve as pathways to God. Life-changing moments are rare. The everyday is where humanity lives. In looking at a variety of fragments, a new and different understanding of the value of the very ordinary may emerge in the God relationship and thus change the individual journey.

“Audrey Brown Lightbody is, by nature, a true weaver! Her book is a woven tapestry of vignettes, reflections, poetry, and evocative questions … a unique presentation of guided meditations which invite us to discover what of The Holy may be close beneath the surface of the ‘ordinary’ of our lives. A book to be kept near at hand, these readings will prompt fresh insights and inspiration over many occasions. For group reflection, as well as individual prayer, Ordinary Fragments is a rich and deeply engaging resource.”
from the Spirit Group who shared the journey

About the Author

Audrey Brown Lightbody has spent her life in administrative and ecumenical ministries within the Christian church. She is a writer who has shared her observations and insights through a variety of writing media: books, curricula, drama, and poetry. Now retired and living in Claremont, California, she blends bits and pieces of her life into an understanding of how to use each ordinary day as a part of a continuing journey into deepening spirituality and a further pathway to service in the world today.