Disciple's Diary

The Meditations and Musings of a Meandering Daughter

by Cinthia W. Pratt



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/31/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781449764319
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781449764296
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 256
ISBN : 9781449764302

About the Book

Disciples Diary is the second book in Cindees series written for women journeying to become all that God has created them to be. This edition is a collection of poems, devotional teachings, and reflective narrative, intended to encourage and to provoke thought in those discipled daughters; who may discover that they are now traveling across terrain much like the territories that the heroine in the story crosses. Her Valley of Shadows may be found sitting at the bedside of a terminally ill loved one. Her Wide Wilderness of Want may appear in the form of a bankruptcy or through the loss of a business or a home. Divorce-court proceedings may compose the walls of the dark pit of loneliness, in which the disciple daughter now sits trapped as she watches the fogs of confusion and doubt begin to roll in overhead. A rebellious child, an unfaithful spouse, and seemingly countless unanswered prayers may all contribute to the tangled briers and twisted branches of the wilderness thicket that blocks the suns warmth and light from the path on which the present-day sojourner now travels. Such is the terrain that might be traced on the map of a modern-day disciple daughter.

Fearfully Female and Wonderfully Woman: Becoming All That God Created is the first book in Cindee's series and is designed to be a navigational guide for Christian women of all ages and backgrounds. While Disciples Diary is designed as a devotional collection; this book is more informational in format. Topics addressed in this study include body image, self -esteem, developing healthy friendships, growing old in a youth oriented culture, developing our spiritual gifts, and finding our place of ministry. Fearfully Female and Wonderfully Woman would be a valuable reference tool as well as a guide for individual or small group study.


About the Author

Cindee is the wife of a retired Navy E.O.D. officer and has a heart for empowering and equipping women around the globe. It deeply concerns her that most women do not know how fearfully wonderful they are in the eyes of their creator and as a result are settling for less than He intended for their lives (Psalm 139:14). Since leaving her position of 14 years as a faculty member within the sociology department of a large university, Cindee has established an interactive website forum and speaking ministry called" Becoming All God Created Ministries" Through her writing and speaking, Cindee seeks to present life changing truths for women in an easy to grasp and non-threatening manner. She does so by carefully blending humor, illustrations drawn from a female perspective and sociological theories with Scripture and kingdom principles. Using her knowledge and experience as a university instructor, military wife, lay-counselor, sociologist and Bible teacher, Cindee speaks to such diverse topics as body image, women and leadership, spiritual warfare from a female perspective, aging within a youth oriented society, and building and maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships.