Rebuilding the Lost
Book Details
About the Book
Would you like limitless accomplishments, victory, success, and abundance In life? Know how to activate the Supernatural power, know where and when it starts – and how to stay in it!
Canie Price will share how to get all the help you need for what you want to accomplish.
“Ever thought why things are not working? God will do what He says He will do when you do what He asks you to do. When you do your part, God will do His Part. Whether you have or have not, the rebuilding will happen. What is it that you are failing to do?
About the Author
Canie Price has experienced supernatural works of God like healing, restoration, transformation, attaining “certain” hope, and becoming “something” that only God can make happen!
She will share the “What” and the “How” of rebuilding despite nothingness! rebuild the lost and to keep that what is about to be lost!...and to soar high like an eagle…
Canie Price will inspire you to dream once more…have visions…and expect the Supernatural…
Canie Price is involve in speaking, performing music, and discipleship teaching ministry. She has attained Master of Divinity from Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA and currently pursuing Doctorate in Ministry. She also has Masters in Business Administration in Accounting & Healthcare, and is a Certified Public and Global Management Accountant.
Canie Price has published a book titled “Shattered to Succeed”
And can be reached at