Bend Your Knees to Ease Your Issues

21 Days to a Spiritual Turning Point

by Savitri Scott



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/1/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781449764388
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781449764395

About the Book

In her quest to have a more meaningful spiritual relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ, Savitri Scott made the choice to look deeper into God’s Word to find Him and have daily conversations with Him. The result has been irrefutable evidence of the power and significance of prayer in the life of a Christian, along with inexplicable peace, joy, and reassurance.

Sometimes life’s issues convince us to move away from God, rather than toward Him, but that is not what He intended for His children. This twenty-one-day devotional uses ordinary life situations and affirms through prayer and Scripture how God inspires and directs us to confront those situations. It demonstrates the sufficiency and privilege of prayer, and non-condemningly assures of God’s declaration of love and promise of forgiveness and salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.

Centered on daily prayer and Scripture, this book endorses God’s Word to enliven a stronger and deeper relationship with our Creator and Father. Let the readings become a personal tool to spiritually stimulate and jumpstart continual, personal, spiritual intimacy with God. Seek personal, intimate time with God for a more personal and intimate relationship with Him.

About the Author

In her own continuous pursuit of God’s presence, SAVITRI SCOTT has explored a devotional each year for the past eleven years. With a passion for teaching and learning, she served in youth ministry for young adults at a church she attended and has worked in the field of education for seventeen years. Savitri holds an undergraduate degree and a graduate degree in education, first serving as a teacher and then as a program coordinator for education reform and college readiness. She currently resides in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, along with her husband, where they are both members of a local church.