Too many Christians live life as if they have plenty of time to do great things tomorrow. Each morning is encountered with a nonchalant attitude, not really having direction or purpose. When we do not plan, are we not taking tomorrow for granted? Aren’t we either living life as if our life does not matter, or we are assuming that we will have more time to realize the plans for our life? Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year goes by and we never really do anything with our life. To settle for an insignificant life is not only wrong, it is sinful.
Each one of us, as believers, have been designated as God's mouthpiece to the world. An invisible God has chosen you to reveal Him to people in a physical world. What a calling! What an honorable position! I know, I know, most people don't think that way. God reveals Himself through pastors and teachers; at church and on television. But, this is so far from the truth! God is a personal God. He reaches people right where they are; and we are His missionaries to go into all of the world, making disciples of Jesus Christ. There are some people in your life that only know one solid Christian - you. What will you do with this responsibility?
His plan for us, however, is about more than evangelism. God has called us to help the needy, to take care of the widow and orphan, to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and care for the sick. But wait! It is even more than service. You have people under your care; be it a spouse, children, or others. God has called you to provide for them financially, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and socially. You have been created to make a difference and to have an impact. And it is also not just about those you come into contact with. God has given you influence over situations that will affect others; whether it is people at work, your neighbors, your church, or people around the world. God has great plans for you!
We have all read this and heard it a thousand times. But read it. Let it sink into your spirit. Don't think for a minute that this does not apply to you. God says that He has known you before He formed your body in the womb of your mom and that all of your days have been ordained - that each day of your life has a purpose. God has a plan for each day and that plan is sometimes a mystery, but it is a mystery within the confines of this passage. No matter what God's plan is for your life, it includes prosperity, protection, hope, and a future. Praise God!
I want to challenge you to make some noble plans for your life. Noble: the word means free. It comes from the time when only those of a higher social class were free. Slaves and servants did not always have the freedom to do what they wanted. However, the nobility were free to do as they wanted. God has made you noble. (Exodus 19:6) You are noble and you are free. You are free today to make your life whatever you want it to be. You are not confined by anything, anyone, or any circumstance. You are not restrained by people, by money, or by influence. You are not stifled because of your past, your wounds, or your pain. Through it all, you are free to make life what you want it to be. This freedom can get you into trouble if you do not include God in the equation, but you do have freedom to make your life what you want it to be.
Tomorrow is a mystery, but what grand potential every day holds for those who set forth a path of noble plans. Do not let another day just slip by without accomplishing something great or setting the stage to do something great. Tomorrow - don't take it for granted, but plan to make it count!