Jesus Christ, The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, The Judge of His Creation

A Study of the Book of Revelation

by marianne strenger



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/26/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 484
ISBN : 9781449767440
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 484
ISBN : 9781449767433
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 484
ISBN : 9781449767426

About the Book

Do you know what the image of the antichrist is? Do you know what the symbolism of the number 666 of the antichrist means? When Jesus writes the letters to the churches in Revelation, He is writing to us now. Do you understand what He is expecting in us? Do you know what is His view of an overcomer in Him? Come, learn the great adventure of knowing what the symbolism is in this great book of the Bible. Understand God’s ways for us in Jesus Christ so that when the counterfeit spirit shows up, you won’t be deceived and fall prey to Satan’s dark ways. Learn from the Holy Spirit to see through the darkness with His discernment.

About the Author

In faithfully studying the Word of God for over twenty years, I started to receive some revelation on the books of Ezekiel and the Revelation of Jesus Christ. I saw in faith, the heart of our heavenly Father’s dream for His family to be just like His Son, Jesus Christ. I began to research all the Scriptures with due diligence and in prayer started to write. I don’t take credit for the revelation, because it is from the Holy Spirit. I look at myself as His secretary. Just typing what He has given me.

I currently live in Kansas now, but I lived in Florida most of my adult life. My husband and I lived on a farm and spent many years with horses, dogs, and cats that needed a home. I do enjoy working with animals. I have a lot of questions that I always ask our Gracious God, and I pray I never quit wanting to understand our Great God. I ask the readers of this book to come join me in our search and research of our God and His heart’s intent for us, His beloved children.