Should All Speak With Tongues?

by Mac Ward Symes



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/7/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 316
ISBN : 9781449768010
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 316
ISBN : 9781449768003

About the Book

Should All Speak with Tongues is a resource for anyone truly interested in whether or not speaking in tongues is a valid, current manifestation of the Holy Spirit that should be experienced by all Christian believers. It shows scripturally how one is given the gift of the Holy Spirit when born again, which Jesus described as being “born of the Spirit” (John 3:7–8); therefore, one has the potential for the operation of all the gifts of the Spirit immediately upon being saved and should walk and live in the Spirit thereafter (Galatians 5:23). Speaking in tongues is one of the nine gifts of the Spirit that are given to every believer. “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good” (1CO 12:7 NIV).

About the Author

Mac Ward Symes is a man with a message for the Church. His experience in Christian ministry is considerable. He was born in Oklahoma, raised in Tennessee, and then moved to Longview, Texas, where he served as director of a male choir on a scholarship at LeTourneau University. He later moved to Tyler, Texas, where he furthered his education. He has spent his ministry of over 50 years serving as Texas State Youth and Sunday School Director for his denomination, as well as being an evangelist, pastor, convention speaker, and the author of several unpublished books. Should All Speak with Tongues is his first published book.

Symes devotes his time writing on subjects that can help correct the many divisions that exist within Christianity. He believes he has been called of God to this ministry and no longer desires to ignore or remain silent on many doctrinal issues that have divided God’s family for so many years.

A major source of division has to do with that between Pentecostals and Non-Pentecostals. In this book Symes deals forthrightly with this issue, opens clearer understanding of the problem, and gives numerous scriptural solutions that foster peace, harmony, and love between brothers and sisters in Christ who have traditionally misunderstood Biblical truth on both sides concerning this matter.

Symes believes that many Christians are hungry and ready for the fundamental truth contained in this book regarding being filled with the Holy Spirit.