Living with the Book
Book Details
About the Book
We should spend our entire Christian life searching the Scriptures to learn about God and His will for our lives. Throughout our lifetime, we may study a book of the Bible many times. We will also hear messages and read commentaries or other books that help us better understand God’s Word. Most of us take the insights we receive on various occasions, make a quick note, and promptly lose them.
Living with the Book provides a permanent place to keep a record of what you learn when you study these New Testament letters. Add to your journal over the years, each time you return to this gospel, hear another message, or read a book that provides new insight into these Scriptures.
Living with the Book provides insight into the times and the context in which God’s Word was first delivered. They will also challenge you to consider how the passages you are studying apply to your life today. As you read through a book of the Bible, spend time meditating on His words. Pray about them. Write down what God is telling you from these passages and how you have been responding.
About the Author
Maybe you are wondering what qualifies Philip and Linda Charlton to write the content that is in these Bible-based journals. Well, here are a few facts:
Philip and Linda have been married since 1976. Philip had been an executive for 26 years with the same company. Linda had been a homemaker and small business owner. Life was comfortable in the small town we lived in near Madison, Wisconsin. Eventually we became convinced God wanted us to change careers. Phil earned his Master’s in Biblical Studies then we moved to Cincinnati Ohio to join a non-denominational start up church. Phil served as Chief Operations Officer and occasional teaching pastor. Linda immersed herself in one-on-one mentoring and in leadership of women’s bible studies. We loved every minute of serving in this capacity, leaving in 2011. Today, Phil has his own consulting company and occasionally fills the pulpit of churches in need. Linda continues to operate her small business. Together we are writing, studying the Word and editing the journals. Those are the facts. You will notice that none of that qualifies us to write the Living with the Book journals. Although we can’t compare ourselves to the great characters of the Bible we can learn from them. Moses didn’t feel qualified. Peter, James and John were just fishermen. Deborah was a mother. Their successes required only two things: their willingness and God to do the work. Nothing has qualified us to write the Living with the Book journals. We were just willing. We have had a great time doing so and have truly been blessed by the hard work and hours of study. Now, we are anxious to see what God does with them.