The greatest misfortune in life is ignorance. Ignorance is a disease and can kill. Many people find themselves in this situation yet have no clue or understanding that they are walking in ignorance. The opposite of ignorance is knowledge. The Bible says, “My people perish because of, ‘lack of knowledge’” (Hosea 4:6).The majority of people in our world today perish because they walk and function in ignorance. Once a person functions in ignorance, that person is relegated from life.
Ignorance is like someone driving into another lane without checking the blind spot and then being surprised when there’s an accident. When asked about it, the driver replies, “I didn’t see the car coming.” In life, a lot of people are driving their dreams and potentials without checking their blind spots, thus wrecking their lives without knowing it because they are engrossed in ignorance.
Hypothetically, psychologists believe what we know that we know (information knowledge) constitutes about 10 percent; and what we know that we don’t know constitutes about 15–20 percent. This is what we call information knowledge. The remaining 70 percent is categorized as “what we don’t know that we don’t know. This is the blind spot of life. If you are ignorant about what you already have and are not making use of it, you fall within the category of what you don’t know that you don’t.
This book allows you to realize your blind spot so you can live a 100 percent life as ordained by God from the beginning. Through the experiences I have had through the power of the Holy Spirit, I now realize everyone has been endowed by God to make things happen in his or her life regardless of geographical location or circumstances. But because people walk in ignorance, they are not able to actualize their dreams and potentials or create new possibilities in their lives. Many people have lost their identities and accepted situations and circumstances as part of their destinies. The Spirit of the Lord has guided me to remind you of the knowledge you possess. As we know, “knowledge is power.”
Creative Power of the Tongue will help you discover your true identity and unlock your potential. It is based on the practical application of the Bible’s creation story from Genesis 1–31. You will come to know everything came into existence, or being, by the spoken word, which is by the tongue. It is the tongue that creates things. The fact that you don’t know what you don’t know does not mean those things do not exist. They exist in the realms of the invisible—the spirit realm—and you need to take the tool of the spirit—the tongue—and order the invisible into the visible world.
Creative Power of the Tongue reveals the hidden truth about the unlimited power that God, the Creator, has vested in you since the beginning of creation. You can then use this power to create new possibilities in your life. In doing so, you eliminate your blind spot and walk in the unlimited knowledge and power of God. It will also help you to be present in your situation.
Dr. Myles Munroe, one of the profound teachers in our world today, wrote in his book In Pursuit of Purpose, The Principles of Purpose page 31, “Wherever a purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable.”(Destiny Image Publishers, Inc.)
Creative Power of the Tongue teaches you to use the power of your vision and imagination with creativity to declare by your language, which is your tongue, to make your purpose come alive. It also brings to light that knowledge that you possess the creative DNA of God that empowers you to create things that are not as though they were in your life (bring into existence the things that are lacking into reality in your life).
God spoke things into being by the integrity of His Word. Integrity is your word of honor, your power, and is you. When you lose your integrity, you have lost your power. Creative Power of the Tongue reveals the principles necessary for you to create things that must be backed by the integrity of your word.
I trust God that, by reading this book, you will see God has already given you the ability to create your world and that you are responsible for it. So no more shifting blame. Act on the principles of His Word to make your life worthy of His calling.