Every Princess of our Messiah is a Princess of Great Destiny. The destiny odyssey of each Princess is one that is waiting to be filled with His richest blessings, His joy, and His never-ending love... The fascinating thing is that, while every odyssey bears some similarities, no two are identical.
As an organizational life coach, for a Princess of Great Destiny, I work with my client to present strategies, based on her long and short-term goals-strategies that will help streamline her "to-do" lists, and weekly schedules. Realistic expectations, focus, and healthy boundaries are a key part of the coaching process. If applicable, we include her educational and career planning aspirations. A special emphasis of the coaching process is placed on creating room for more great "God Time." The objective is simply this:
To introduce ways a Princess can "DE-STRESS" from her overloaded,
over-committed, energy depleted, overwhelming,
too busy, busy, busy, burned-out,
I need a gallon of that "Calgon Bath Time Take Me Away" Stuff... life.
As an inspirational life coach for a Princess Of Great Destiny, I customize a plan to fit her dreams, personality type, areas of giftedness... The coaching approach I favor is an interactive exchange of creative ideas, techniques, and strategies, that lead to your personalized action plan. This coaching tool is designed to help you identify and explore your spiritual gifts, in greater depth. It is also designed to introduce creative ways for you to develop those gifts that run parallel to God's plan and purpose for your life.
I have been honored and blessed by insightful words, spoken into my life, by teachers, life coaches, writers, pastors, friends... My prayer is that I will speak into your life, throughout the pages of this book.
As a life coach, it's such a delight to applaud the efforts of each Princess. It's so awesome to celebrate her for who she is-God's treasured Princess. And, it's my pleasure to recognize her for what she has worked so hard to accomplish. What a joy it is to encourage her, as she begins to fulfill her vision, her dreams, her goals... some of which she has held in her heart for a very long time. I love to lean over the balcony of her life, celebrating with her, as she brings God glory, with each footstep of her odyssey-one that is designed exclusively for her, by the God who just adores her!
The twelve segments, presented in the seven parts of this book, end with four sections. The first section is Heart Whispers... and contains my prayers for you, His Jewel. The next section is entitled: Bouquets of Grace-Filled Blessings... The "Bouquets" are quotes by writers, poets, life coaches, music composers, singers, artists of different venues, psychologists, counselors, business professionals, therapists, and anonymous authors. Each "Bouquet" is meant to inspire and challenge you to view life with, perhaps, a refreshing new perspective.
The third section, Gems of Wisdom, is comprised of several Scriptures relevant to the topic of that segment. Reading these verses in your favorite Bible version can serve as a great way of enhancing your study of God's Word.
The last section is entitled: Refreshing Hugs. I've met so many precious Princesses that have expressed the same sentiment-the feeling that there was more to God’s call on their lives. The "Hugs" consist of ways you can minister, by using your gifts, to reach out and bless the next Princess of Great Destiny. There are also suggestions that can act as stress reducers-ways to slow life down, a tad bit. You'll have more time to soak in His Presence-more time for solitude, reflection, prayer... You'll have more time to spend just listening-listening for His whispers of grace-filled blessings...
As we begin to implement some of these Refreshing Hugs, we position ourselves to pass along a generous dose of God’s extraordinarily calming balm, to the next Princess. Just what Dr. Jesus prescribes as the Rx "De-Stressor" of choice, formulated for the benefit of those of us who could use a handful of His peace and tranquility.
How Can I Benefit from Organizational and Time-Management Life Coaching?
As a life coach, the questions I seem to be asked most often, sound something like this: "How can I make life work without getting stressed to the max?" "When I have such a full plate already, how can I remain flexible, just in case God may need to interrupt my agenda, at any given time?" "I want to be able to step outside of my circumstances that may be presenting some challenges, so that I can come alongside and encourage the next Princess. How do I accomplish this goal?" I need help strengthening my boundaries. Where would you suggest that I begin?"
Life Coaching, no matter the niche, becomes an essential ingredient for a Princess of Great Destiny, who desires to suceed at reaching her goals, realizing her dreams, and living out the call God has on her life. Even when confronted with stressful personal scenarios, or tapped out energy levels, implementing specific coaching tools and techniques, coupled with applying God's Wisdom, in order to help make healthy life choices, she can greatly benefit from the coaching process.
Life Coaching is key to having a meaningful, intentional, and purposeful God-focused life. Organizational and Time Management Life Coaching are instrumental in providing ways to help alleviate some of the stressors we might frequently face; some of the challenges that may be standing in the way of our ability to stay focused.
Inspirational Life Coaching can be especially beneficial, should you be searching for creative ways to find more quality time to spend on establishing a closer relationship with God. It also serves to enlighten you on how to best use the spiritual gifts God has endowed you with, and to equip you to come alongside and encourage the next Princess He places in your life.
So, how do we maximize our time and minimize those time-consuming distractions-distractions that tend to drive us, as females, up a veritable wall, (without mentioning any names, other than my own, of course)? When utilized properly, these skills can become instrumental in freeing up quality time, precious time, uninterrupted time, sacred time-time to spend sitting ever so quietly at His feet...
Hmmm... Just imagine... Imagine sitting so still that you can feel