Stay Alert and Take Notes

New Sunday School and Small Group Lessons for Adults and Youth

by Jesse Crimm



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/13/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781490803067
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781490803050
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 162
ISBN : 9781490803074

About the Book

Teaching Christian values and concepts to small groups is a weighty and worthy challenge. The purpose of this book is to make your yoke easily bearable. As Barnabus was to Paul, this book can be your encourager, your intercessor, and your foundation for inspired teaching and learning.

Within you will find specific guidance on conducting Christian development classes and thirty-three lessons proven in real life to be ones where the students do indeed stay alert and take notes. Also included are lists of subject-appropriate hymns for classes that sing. A catalog of additional source readings is offered for your continuing enrichment and growth as a teacher or student.

Your presentation of a lesson begins with your willingness to prepare, and that simple willingness is our beginning point. No more is needed (Acts 16:10).

For any number of possible reasons, someone asked you to teach Sunday school this week (Acts15:3). That someone trusted you enough to propose the question. Truly, if you think about it, your reputation preceded the asking of that question. And for any number of possible reasons, you said yes. Most likely you were predisposed to say yes. Maybe you said yes just to help out because no one else would say yes. Maybe you have wanted to teach but were always too modest to broach the thought publically. If any of these reasons are true, you have a great adventure in front of you.

Enjoy, learn, teach, and catch the flame.

About the Author

Jesse Crimm reluctantly admits to being born right after WWII at Ft. Totten, New York City. Fortunately his situation was rapidly corrected by the families’ moving to Columbia, SC, where he spent his childhood years. There he was introduced into Bible Belt Baptist traditions, including Wednesday night prayer meetings, verse memorization, Sunday school, and fearfully long Sunday sermons  always causing his family to be at the end of the line at the cafeteria lunch line following  services.

 His college years and subsequent army service in Vietnam provided him with the excuse to neglect the truths that are foundational to right living. Fortunately his first, present, and only wife introduced him to Methodism via her own family tradition. The methodical, studied approach to learning about God and God’s intentions took root. The Wesley tradition of reflection followed by action produced the thirty-year Sunday school teacher you, the reader, find in these pages.

Mr. Crimm is available to train and motivate teachers in your church. He may be reached by simply employing what used to be called the phone book for Jacksonville, FL.