The next sight I saw was Jesus on the cross and all of Heaven was motionless. I could see legions of angels just waiting near the cross. Then as I looked upon the cross, I couldn't bear to look at what I was seeing, for it was extremely sad. The last time I saw Jesus, it was a picture of absolute splendor, majesty, and glory when He came forth from His Father. But now to look at Him was almost impossible, for He looked nothing like He did earlier. Now I could see that He had been beaten and tortured, now beyond recognition. At one point, I had to turn my head away, because of the brutal way He was beaten. Why did they do this to Him, and what did He do to deserve this type of inhumane punishment and treatment? His entire back was shredded to pieces, and His front fared no better. He was truly beaten beyond recognition. This was very sad and hard to stomach. It made me sick just to look upon Him. There was blood everywhere. What could be in the hearts of man to devise this type of punishment? What I saw was so terrible, so horrific, that for as long as I'm on the earth, I will never, ever forget the picture of Him on the cross.
I could feel myself getting angrier and angrier at what I was looking at. Then as I looked near the cross I could see the faces of the angels. I thought I felt bad and was so affected by this sight, but to see their faces and looks made me weep. How they were having no choice but to watch and look at how their Christ had been brutally and sadistically beaten. Can you just imagine how they felt watching Him suffer? Never before in time did they have to experience something of this magnitude and never again will they. They were looking on Him to just give them the word to rescue, to free Him, to relieve Him of this brutalic torture...but you know what? It never came. They were looking in sheer disbelief and pain as He uttered not a word. My God, why didn't He just give them the signal and it would be over? Why did He just stay there and suffer? I felt like I wanted to go to the cross myself and just take Him down and comfort Him. He looked so pitiful hanging there. It was totally unbearable, yet for some reason, I couldn't take my eyes from Him. It was so true what one prophet said: "He was like a sheep before her shearers, like a lamb before the slaughter". He uttered not a word… Again I was able to look down into hell and to my shock and dismay, there was Satan, sitting on his throne. He was intensely watching what was going on and he had this look of absolute disdain and contempt for the Lord. His chief demons were surrounding him about the throne. Most of the demons in hell were worshipping and praising Satan and giving him all the glory for what was going on. Then, all of a sudden, Satan let out this loud, sadistic snarl. It sounded like a beast. He started laughing and telling his demons "Didn't I tell you so! Didn't I tell you so! I told you I would do it! I told you I would get even with Him for what He did to me. I told you I would have revenge for what He did to me. I told you I would make Him sorry for challenging me.". You can see that he was still so very bitter and angry that in all that he said, he didn't even acknowledge Him as God…Now he tells his demons out loud "What a victory! What a triumph." At this they started worshipping him like never before, and you could see he enjoyed it. He said "Jesus Christ, the Son of God is now trapped, never to be freed!"
Let's get back to the revelation, to the story of Lazarus and the rich ruler. When Lazarus died, the Bible says he woke up in the arms of Abraham, but the rich ruler lifted up his eyes in hell. The Bible also lets us know that although they could see each other, there was still a separation of those who died trusting God and those who didn't. Somehow the ruler was able to look over to Abraham and Lazarus, for he asked if Lazarus could dip the tip of his finger in water and cool his tongue (Luke 16:24-26) "for I am tormented in this flame." Abraham said "There is a great gulf between us , so that they that would pass from hence to you cannot. Neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence." So by this, we can conclude that the resting place for believers was made in such a way that although you could see over into hell, you were not affected by its torment and what the non-believers felt.
Satan was just happy to have Jesus trapped in this resting place, for he thought to himself "It doesn't matter as long as He is the Son of God." That was important. Now I was starting to wonder, where Jesus was and what happened, but before my thought went any further, I began to see into hell. I told you earlier about its darkness and terrible odors and its frightening feeling. I saw something that I hadn't noticed before. I saw all types of demons who looked so frightening and horrible. Just the sight of them sent chills through me and I was frightened by their appearances. There were also worms everywhere; it looked like there were as many worms as demons and they were disgusting.
I could hear loud yelling and troublesome screaming. The demons were going crazy, waiting on Jesus, but I couldn't see clearly because of the level of darkness. It sounded like people were being tormented in an unimaginable way. I began to feel sorry for the voices I heard, yet couldn't see.
All the demons in hell had gathered around Satan's throne to wait together for Jesus' entry. I could now see better. You couldn't even count them (demons) for multitude. It seemed like the demons who were nearer to Satan's throne appeared more horrible and eerie than the others. They also seemed more powerful and hideous features-wise.
Suddenly I noticed a very small light way in the back of hell. This light was moving forward very slowly. All the frenzy and hysteria began to subside as it seemed everyone sensed something unusual. The closer the light came towards the front, the more you felt that they knew something was terribly wrong. Demons began looking back and forth at each other and at Satan. Even he was motionless on his throne.
As the light came closer and closer, I saw the demons entering some type of frenzied mass hysteria. It wasn't like before when they were celebrating Satan's victory of Jesus as they awaited His entry. No, this was quite different. They were literally acting crazy, appearing to experience some type of torment and pain. The demons started moving back and forth very violently and uncontrollably. All at once, a sudden fear came upon them. Now as their bodies continued to shake back and forth, the speed picked up, becoming fast and violent. I looked over to Satan, who was still sitting on his throne, but with a puzzled look on his face over what was going on. Even when he commanded them to stop for some reason they could not, though they were trying.