Christianity’s Hoax

Jesus the Winemaker

by Al & Alice Lunden



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/30/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 58
ISBN : 9781449796259

About the Book

This little book simply seeks absolute and divine truth about Jesus’ very first miracle and about the Cana wedding. Please consider this “evidence which demands a verdict” and then decide if He was a maker of six water pots of the most delicious and nutritious grape juice the world will ever know or of over six hundred liters of an intoxicating drug.

We propose just one simple question: Should God’s greatest and most sacred creation of christian marriage and family be subject to the random evils of alcohol use and abuse on the wedding night, or should the bride and groom be blessed by the mental and physical acuities of absolute sobriety and spiritual enlightenment from Jesus’ Holy Spirit?

Consider the absolute authenticity and inerrancy of the Hebrew Bible and the Greek Testament of Almighty God or the questionable reliability of the many modern or old translations made by mortals who are subject to the temptations and errors of worldliness and carnality.

Then also consider the hypothesis that the New Testament Church in Rome might well have been able to convert Constantine the Great to Christianity to simply prevent the ongoing bestiality against Christian men, women, and children who were then being ceremoniously killed and eaten by lions and dogs in the once-great Colosseum in Rome. It appears that some of his generals and statesmen were even given leadership roles in the new Holy Roman Catholic Church.

About the Author

The elderly authors have only been spiritual Christians for thirty years but lifetime members of several Protestant churches. They discovered the astonishing divine truth of Jesus’ abstinence thirty years ago from several inspired writers. They were born in the Dakotas but lived in Florida and Tennessee before returning to South Dakota.