This book is about more than a baby. God wanted to do more in me, than merely grant my deepest desire to be a mother. The purpose of our adoption goes beyond motherhood. God weaved the lives of two ordinary people together, so that a baby boy could have a family, a chance at life; all to fulfill His amazing plan.
Our adoption journey was about obedience to God. When God called us to adopt a child from Ethiopia, we stepped out in faith, followed His call, and opened our hearts to a child in need of a family, love, security, and hope. I am humbled that God chose John and me for such a journey. I didn’t realize the extent of the journey. There were many twists and turns along the way, but it became clear that our adoption had more than an earthly purpose. God’s eternal purposes were at stake too.
As Christians, we are called to “love the least of these” (Matthew 25:40). God’s word says “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress.” (James 1:27)
Yes, I desperately desired to be a mother, but more than that, my heart’s desire was to be obedient to God and fulfill His plan for my life. I had so many ideas of what my life was supposed to look like. I thought I would get married and have babies, and live happily ever after, but God had other plans. I never doubted God’s ability to give me the desires of my heart, but that didn’t make the journey to motherhood any less difficult. My desire to be a mom was God given and I believed He would bless me with a child. It just had to be in His perfect time and in His perfect way. I never pictured myself becoming a mother through adoption, but sometimes God takes us on a path that we would have never chosen for ourselves.
When God was leading the Israelites out of Egypt into the Promise Land, the Bible says "God did not lead them on the road through Philistine country, though that was shorter. God said, 'If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt." (Exodus 13:17-18).
As we waited to become parents, God taught me that although His way might take longer, His way is always better and in my best interest. God doesn’t want what’s okay for us. He wants His PERFECT will.
As we faced infertility and the long road to adoption, I knew I wanted the Promise Land God promised...even if I had to take a longer, more difficult road.
As John and I wandered in our own desert, we gradually became more and more like Jesus. We waited, confident that God would reveal His plans for our family. Our relationship with Him grew deeper, more meaningful. We discovered that God’s purpose for our journey was simple – that He be glorified.
This is our story. It is only a glimpse of the miracles God worked on behalf of our family. There are many parts of the story that I have chosen not to include in the book. They are my son’s story to share if he chooses to do so someday. Some of the names have been changed out of respect and to protect individuals who were part of our journey.