There is a tremendous unmet need for people to be able to eradicate intelligent evil and misfortune from their lives.
Clergymen are not always willing or able to assist individuals in their time of need.
Evil is real and imminently destructive. Many understand that the assignment of the wicked is the vexation and destruction of good.
Failure to accurately diagnose the presence of evil can expose one to its bondage and carnage.
A contemporary philosopher has opined that “all problems have a spiritual root.”
If not exhaustively correct, he at least starts the right conversation. The Bible puts it this way: “Whatever is not of faith is sin” (Rom. 14:23).
“Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Father” (Luke 4:4).
God thinks that his Word should be loosed into our homes every day. It is the living Word with the living power to bring life and retard death and its promoters.
Unfortunately, we, as free moral agents, do not always make this choice.
We should.
The price of freedom consequence. The consequence of neglecting God’s Word is the empowerment of demons. The Bible also says that you will fight your own war! (Prov. 24:6).
This book will give you the tools to win this war. If you are right with Lord (Eph. 6:10–16) and literate, then you have the ingredients for success in your hands. How? It is the heart of Christian dogma that suggests that the most powerful remedy to metastasizing evil is inoculating goodness.
In Colossians 1, the Bible says that God made these beings. They are, therefore, well within his purview. He gives specific protocols regarding their control and eradiation. Specifically, the passionate application of his holy Word by a person of faith in good standing will yield sterling results and ultimate victory.
Imagine if at the onset of destruction we immediately access the germane Word of God.
At the onset of the kinds of problems associated with demonic oppression (e.g. mental or physical illness, contentious conflict, suicidal tendencies, anxiety, depression, identity confusions, sexual perversion, profanities, explosive anger, violence, persistent misfortune, financial lack, rebellion, generational curses, and more) one could conveniently and effectively access the game-changing Word of God.
Protracted illness? Use them. Teen rebellion? Use them. Evil spouse? Use them. The demon of addiction? Use them. If, as previously suggested, all problems have a spiritual root, then suspect evil.
One could do worse than releasing the healing goodness of the living Word of God into his or her home on a daily basis, if not verbally, on CD, preventively.
How many suffer at the hands of wickedness and never discover their tormentors?
Now you can immediately overcome concentrated evil with concentrated good.
Want to retard the deadly influence of the demonic in your children or grandchildren’s lives? These curse breakers are essential.
Need to remove local manifestations of demonic strong holds a la exorcism? These are the perfect tools.
Live clean and peaceably with these handy tools.
This is a conflict that began in heaven (Rev.12:7). Though the theatre is now earth, the weapons of warfare have not changed.
The following is a list of the weapons of our warfare, which are mighty and unseen. The Bible says that they designed to “pull down” (2 Cor. 10:3) the stronghold of evil.
The good news is that there is training. The first unseen opponent that you must defeat before entering this battle is yourself.
Yes, you can be seen, but your moral standard cannot. You will have much practice at defeating yourself. We must overcome our own bodily members, which are formidable.
One must defeat his heart (Matt. 15:19), his tongue (Js.3:6), his mind, and ultimately his ability to see, for we walk by faith, not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7).
This can be difficult.
Vision is the most piercing of the senses. The eye develops from the same kind of tissue as the brain and contains many of the same kinds of cells.
To many, seeing is believing. Knowing this, God’s Word encourages us to view the eye through his lenses. It was never designed to be the primary filter for reality. We must train ourselves to accept the truth of his Word before our physical perception. The Lord is faithful, the eye is not.
Matthew 24:35 states that heaven and earth will pass away (the works of the eye included), but his holy Word will stand. The perception of the eye is not only temporary but fickle and inherently untrustworthy. It fails in many situations.
If objects are too far (e.g. the universe), too close (e.g. the eye lens), too big (e.g. the galaxy), too small (e.g. the microbe), too slow (e.g. decomposition), too fast (e.g. a bullet), too dark (e.g. night), per composition, (gamma rays, gases, glass), per disposition (camouflage), and this is to say nothing of natural deception (illusions) and eye failure.
The following is a list of invisible armor. Now that the eye has been properly apportioned, let’s examine its replacement.
The first piece of invisible armor is confidence, such as the ultimate confidence in biblical vision, i.e. faith.
One must believe that the Bible is an intelligent sword—alive, reactive, and dangerous to the unrighteous.
As you review each listed weapon, try to understand why it is antithetical to evil. Soon, you will develop a sense of resource and implementation.
The reason that you fight is not anger, but love. Demons hate love. Real agape-type love. Things that simply honor God are absolutely intolerable to them, like prayer, worship, or single-mindedness to the cause of Christ.
You will become accustomed to being strong in the spirit. You will strengthen your heart and ultimately your home. God will be in control of your home through you. Your home will be secure, your family safe.
Yes, you will fight a private battle for his ancient cause. You have been enlisted into the army of the Lord!