Denominational Stew: American Style

by Dr. Lyndel M. Stephenson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/5/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9781973656944
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9781490833804

About the Book

Christian denominations in America—Who are they? What are they about? How did it all happen? Dr. Stephenson’s book, Denominational Stew: American Style answers these questions and more

Written in an objective, easy-to-read style (this is not a recruiting tool), Denominational Stew takes the reader on a biblical journey from the garden of Adam and Eve, to Moses the lawgiver, through New Testament times, Roman domination, formation of the Catholic Church, the Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, murders and martyrs, and King James’s England, right up to the Mayflower crash-landing on the shores of the New World. Section Two carries us through the Colonial period, through two Great Awakenings and introduces us to the Great Revivalist of early America. The reader will walk alongside Pilgrims, Puritans, Separatists, and Reformists, as they tame a new world and form a government while seeking freedom of religion, “the freedom to worship God without being told ‘how to’ by leaders on a distant continent.”

As early Americans learned and grew, they imported old movements, old denominations, and then created their own. These ideas will go on to influence denominations yet to be born! Each movement—some lasted and grew strong, while others faded away into theological dust—produced the roots for many of our Christian denominations today.

This book, Denominational Stew, is for all libraries, personal and professional reference libraries, as well as for personal study. Formatted as a Christian study guide, Denominational Stew is intended for adult study groups, home group study, and even for a better secular understanding of Christianity in America; for everyone seeking to understand the history and role of Christian denominations in America today.

About the Author

Dr. Stephenson has published several award-winning short stories in various magazines. Earned a B.S. in Behavioral Sciences; a M.A. in Literature (Both from University of Houston); and graduated Magma Cum Laude at Seminary with a Doctorate in Divinity. He is currently Director of Cherry Tree Ministries in Texas.