A Bricklayer’s Story

To Know Him, to Love Him, to Serve Him: My AmeriCorps Service in Poverty

by Dr. John H. LaManque



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/8/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 166
ISBN : 9781490810485

About the Book

Read how trusting in Jesus Christ and calling upon His name helped a fifty-nine-year-old bricklayer to go from bricks to books and beyond. This is an inspiring story about how God’s Word helped a bricklayer gain the courage to overcome obstacles placed in his path. This book is a reminder that life is a journey, and when the Lord closes one door, he always opens another. My message in this book is that we have to turn the doorknob of our hearts to let Jesus in.

Dr. John H. LaManque pushes back against the attack on Christian Church values in foreign lands. Hindu fundamentalists and Muslims who hate Christians have burnt their churches to the ground and killed Christian people. The author sees a greater threat to American Christians coming from within, and he identifies the threat as coming from the secular humanist movement in the form of a new religion. The new religion is led by groups that follow Marxist theology and includes atheists, educators, and the media, who want to sell the idea that sinful behavior is just another alternative lifestyle.

About the Author

Dr. John H. LaManque graduated in 1959 from Utica Free Academy in New York. He worked as a bricklayer for many years. In 2001 he enrolled at Barry University in Florida and graduated magna cum laude in 2004. He earned an MS HRDA degree in 2006 and finished his PhD coursework in leadership education in 2010. Dr. LaManque completed his doctoral degree in Christian education at Newburgh Theological Seminary and Bible College in 2013. John’s awards include Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society in 2008 and the Academic Excellence Award from NTS faculty in 2013.