Bird’s Eggs
Deuteronomy 22:6-7
Man has been given dominion over the “fowl of the air”, the birds. We are to care for His creation. He gives us permission in the above verse to take the bird’s eggs but not the mother bird. Nests can be found in trees; in rocks, Jeremiah 48:28; and even on the ground, like the ostrich’s nest, Job 39:13-15. The sparrow and swallow could be found nesting around the house of God, Psalm 84:3.
Birds were valuable in Israel to feed on snakes and scorpions, insects, mice and other small animals, thus keeping them under control. Birds were also used in the Jewish religious rituals.
Egg Legs
Time: Half an hour.
My test: How strong is a bird’s eggshell that protects the baby bird? Is it possible to use eggshells as legs for a plant stand?
Items needed: Chicken eggs, scissors, tape, short piece of wood board or plastic (like a CD case) and a small potted plant.
Procedure: To make eggshell halves, wrap two pieces of tape around the middle of an egg, leaving a tiny space. Tap along the space with a sharp edge, breaking the shell. Gently pull apart (catch the egg yoke and white for cooking).
Even up the shell’s edges with the scissors. Place the shells, edge down and dome up, for the four corners of the board. Put the board on top the egg domes. Place the potted plant on top.
Data: Draw in the space what your plant stand looks like now.
Results: The eggshells became legs for the plant stand and could hold up the weight. The eggshell’s dome is a strong shape.
Notice that an egg has a dome on each end, shaped a little differently. Why?____________________.
Extra activity: Does acid rain from air pollution affect eggshells of baby birds? Eggshells are made of calcium, as is the enamel of our teeth. Calcium reacts with acid. Sin reacts in us in a bad way.
Procedure: Take a piece of your eggshell or whole egg and tie a string around it. Hang the shell in a jar or glass from a stick laid across the top. Repeat for each liquid to test. In each glass cover¬ the eggshell with one liquid acid - vinegar, soft drink (especially cola drinks), old milk, or fruit juice. Tap water (from faucet) and rain water could be compared. Write what each liquid is on labels taped to each glass.
Each day check the shell’s hardness and other observations. Which eggshells were softened more quickly? ______________.