The Miracles in My Life

Poems, Prayers, and Ponderings

by Marvyle Latham



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/5/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781490827674
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781490827667
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781490827681

About the Book

Appalled by the growing loss of our freedoms? Fed-up with human interest stories, and biased commentary replacing the who, what, when and where of proper news reporting? Do you wonder what is really going on in the world?

Are you traumatized by the lack of good jobs and common sense? Alarmed by the growing violence on our streets, on our televisions, in our movies and in our schools? Shocked by organized protests against our best in blue? Dismayed by the general disregard for law and order? If you are, this book may be a very real blessing to you or to someone you know. Please order it from Westbow Press, your local bookstore, or from your favorite online retailer.

These pages, from the first word to the last, describe my journey out of the darkness into the saving truth and the realization that truth frees us from our self-inflicted sorrows. If diligently sought, truth will reveal the source of the miracles and all the goodness in our lives. Only adherence to truth will lead us to the sanity, stability, peace and prosperity that we once enjoyed in this now troubled world.

Looking back over this journey, I have found that we each must go through our own developing process in order to arrive where our patient Creator intended upon our conception. When we serve at His pleasure, we are amazed to discover our own inexpressible joy!

About the Author

Born in Minnesota, the author grew up in Montana as well as in eastern Washington, later graduating with honors in creative writing from Jefferson High School in Portland, Oregon. While in high school, Marvyle enjoyed her work on the school paper, later becoming a successful copywriter for an advertising agency.