"Should Christian Women also wear the Religious Head Covering"
(and other issues that distract us from Jesus and his present kingdom )
Book Details
About the Book
Among religious persuasions that have caused divisions in our Lord’s church, headship and women’s religious head covering may be misconceptions of what the apostle Paul really meant to write. This book attempts to share a word study of 1 Corinthians 11 in the original language, and also share observations from a broader Bible view.
What does the Bible really have to say on this controversial subject?
The traditional interpretation of 1 Corinthians 11 lacks some answers. Herein are some Bible study observations that reveal new insight and deserve to be considered.
About the Author
This writer is a maturing, truth-seeking laborer of the Mennonite culture, who is committed to learn from and be in fellowship with the body of Christ beyond our denominational lines. His chief concern is how our various religious beliefs intrude and crowd Jesus and his kingdom from our lives.