Based on this, I know that God does NOT hate the gay community. What I mentioned in the introduction is worth repeating here so all will get a better sense of what is in my own heart.
“This book is not about hatred or darkness in any fashion, it is rather about showing God’s Love and Light to all communities. By the same token, this book is not a book of compromise of the Bible. After all, what right do I have to compromise God’s own Words? God’s Word is sacred and for me to modify it in any manner would be blasphemous. I merely want to show what God has to say about this sensitive topic.”
“God does NOT hate the gay person.”
God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but rather to save the world. Luke relates the incident of Jesus rebuking two of His disciples, James and John, for wanting to command fire from heaven and annihilate some people who would not treat Jesus properly. Jesus rebuked them…Neither did God call us …out of the world to condemn…humanity, but instead to tell them of God’s love for them.
Chapter 2: The Greatest of These is Love
After recording the famous John 3:16, the Apostle John thereafter recorded a second John 3:16. In the latter version John repeats the previous words of God’s love for the world; however, he adds on God’s Will for us as our responsibility and application of this knowledge. (See the following image to see the extent to which Jesus laid down His Life for all of us!)
God transformed the Apostle John’s life from being a condemner, a ‘son of thunder’, to the ‘apostle of love’! Early on after he met Jesus, John wanted to destroy others, but in the end he was willing, and in fact, directed us all, to lay down our lives for others according to the example of Jesus.
“The Apostle John went from being a condemner,
a ‘son of thunder’, to being the ‘apostle of love’.”
What is God’s Will for us and what has all this to do with homosexuality, gays, or same sex marriage?
The Will of God and Homosexuality
To many people this idea of God’s love and judgment seem irreconcilable, even an oxymoron. After all, some say, how could a God of love judge anyone? How could a God of justice love? Those who struggle with this also find other apparent discrepancies with many of God’s actions or what He wrote in the Bible.
Chapter 3: What God has to Say about Homosexuality
After He created Adam, God stated, “It is not good that the man should be alone…”. He then created a person that would be suitable for Adam. This partnering that God began with remains His model for mankind. Genesis 5:2 begins with, “Male and female created He them; and blessed them…”.
This category of mistake or error sin is a big reason why the prayer the Lord taught us how to pray, “The Lord’s Prayer”, is to be used on a daily basis and has within it the phrase, ‘forgive us our sins’. The second sin is one of …
Either example may well be the destiny of the United States of America…Do you believe the weather catastrophes of the past several years have been coincidental? Terrorism also is a scourge that seemingly will never fade away. Will America ever escape the drum beats of war?
In May of 2012 President Barack Obama became the first American president to publicly favor same sex marriage.
The voters of California had voted to not recognize same sex marriage, but a state court deemed the resulting law unconstitutional. By not allowing an appeal to the lower court ruling in California’s Prop. 8, the Supreme Court of the U.S. effectively let stand that lower court’s ruling allowing same sex marriage in California.
As of this writing 13 American states allow gay marriage: California, Connecticut, …. In the Bible book of Genesis the story of Abraham and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah is told in which Abraham begged for these two ungodly cities to not be destroyed. Destruction was decreed in part, if not primarily, because of their acceptance of homosexuality.
Abraham began his prayer…by asking God, “What if there be 50 righteous within the city: will You also destroy and not spare the place for the 50 righteous that are therein?” God told him that He would not destroy the cities if there were 50 righteous within the city. Abraham then lowered the righteous total to 45, and then 40...Could these refer to states?
Effects of Same Sex Marriage in Canada
Consider Canada, which legalized gay marriage in 2003. Several lawsuits have occurred there which have…
Civil Rights?
On its surface gay rights do seem to be a civil, and even a human rights issue…What does it really hurt if two men or two women want live in matrimony? As an American, it may sound perfectly fine and legitimate…It is though an issue of the ‘right’eousness of God….
The USA is truly contemplating the question that Satan posed to Adam and Eve at creation. “Did God really say…?” Just as with our ancestors Adam and Eve, today it is also a basic function of humanity that we are debating.
In chapter 3 of this book we saw what God’s commandments are in regards to homosexuality.
“To love our neighbor includes
our homosexual neighbor as well.”
As God loves and respects all people, I love and respect all people, including the gay person…I do not look down on them at all or hate them …since we are all sinners. We were all in that same ‘sinner not yet saved by grace’ boat once…Jesus gave His very life for every one of us…
Chapter 7: What Then Should We Do?
What then should we do in response to the gaying of America? Hopefully it is clear by now that what we should not do is condemn our fellow humanity...Many gays believe…they have no choice but to remain homosexual. If everyone knew what everyone else was up against, what a world we would have.
There would be so much more understanding, concern, production, accountability, etc. That’s how God does it! That’s why He can be so patient with us…
Remember that the Bible is a spiritual book to be understood first in the spirit and for a person whose spirit is not born again it is unlikely they will be able to discern the Words of God… This is the true church’s responsibility and never, never to condemn the gay…
“Love your neighbor as yourself” is the most often Old Testament verse quoted in the New Testament, being repeated 8 times. In fact, this Old Testament reference is found in the chapter just after God’s view of homosexuality.
When Jesus told us to love our neighbor, this included our homosexual neighbor as well. One of Jesus’ neighbors was the adulterous woman caught in the very act.…I am sure in each situation we encounter in our lives we can find a way to react the way that Jesus did.
The Example of Abraham
Looking back at Sodom and Gomorrah we can see how the believers of that day reacted to the news of the behavior of those cities. Genesis 18:16-33 relates the story of how the Lord notified Abraham of the coming…
Jesus…concluded His stay on Earth and began His future life the same way, by praying, in fact blessing, those…