The story of creation apart from the biblical narrative has been orally taught and written differently around the world. Among Africans, the story of creation has been told in various versions. In this story of creation the origin of races is also explained. The story says:
“Verse 1,” In the beginning after everything else was created God decided to bake man. He made the first dough of flour and put it in the oven. He was anxious and wanted to see the outcome of His invention. Instead of waiting for normal baking time, He opened the oven prematurely. The dough was half baked and still looking white. God was disappointed. He however kept the half-baked dough which became the white race. “Verse 2” says, “God never gave up so He made second dough. This time He wanted to give it time to bake well. To manage His anxiety, He went walking in His garden. Somehow He was carried away by the beauty of garden flowers. When He looked back to His house He saw smoke coming out of the chimney. He rushed back to see what was up. Inside the house He hurriedly opened the oven, when He pulled the dough out, it was burnt. It was a bad baking day for God. He didn’t want to destroy the burnt dough either. The burn dough became the black man. “Verse 3” deals with why the white race likes sun light and tanning. The story says, “Since the baking was never complete, tanning and sun light helps them to complete the part of them that was never fully baked.”
Now let us go to the Bible and hear the real story about creation. In the beginning of human life, God created the heaven and earth for His own pleasure. At the end of this project everything looked wonderful. Beautiful trees, rivers gashing with fresh water and mountain without anyone to celebrate them and Oceans “waved” at no one. The earth was so beautiful and God decided to create a care taker. The caretaker will be in charge of all creation on earth and will be God’s ambassador on earth. To every creation, God spoke and commanded and it came into being. When He said, “let there be trees, or animals” they appeared. But when it came to the creation of His care taker and Ambassador, God used dust and His breath. “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being” (Gen. 2:7). In creating man God used a combination. (Combination here means the set or series of numbers or letters used in setting the mechanism of a combination lock meant to hide a secret recipe or formula). Right here we see that God was making sure that man’s combination is kept a secret to avoid any counterfeiting. Man became God’s protected creation!