"The Truth About Racism, Its Origins, Legacy and How God wants Us to Deal with It" is an excellent book that provides answers to key questions around the subject of racism. "The Truth About Racism" reveals the true origins of racism, explains the ideologies that have led to racist opinion and examines the role the Church has played. It also goes on to examine how the theory of evolution was used to develop a racist philosophy.
"The Truth About Racism" will encourage victims of racism to stand tall, have confidence and speak out against the ignorance of racism with the knowledge that it is an ungodly, evil and sinful construct. A greater background knowledge of the nonsensical reasons behind racism will help free the mind of the victims of racism.
It has been written to examine and better understand the issue of Racism and how it impacts the Church, the Body of Christ and to help individuals and the Church deal with problem once and for all by understanding that God is on the side of the victim and not the evil racist.
It is often difficult to reconcile how some of those who display racist attitudes claim to be Christians, followers of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Many people still experience racism on a daily basis and find it hard to accept and understand the immoral concept of racism. One of Jesus’ main teachings is “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39). So how then can someone who refers to themselves as a Christian ever exhibit a racist attitude or hold racist beliefs. Are they not being truthful or are they holding onto un-repented sin?
Throughout modern history, many of the people who sanctioned, implemented, supported and condoned various racist institutions, for example the South African apartheid regime, segregation in the Deep South of America, Colonialism and the most horrific of them all, the trans-Atlantic Slave trade, purported to be Christians. In fact, all of these institutions where contrived, supported and implemented one way or another by the Church justified by spurious hermeneutical Biblical interpretations, resulting in the subjugation of Black African people. Whilst these systems of oppression have all thankfully now been abolished, there is however a lasting legacy from such which have invaded society. This book intends to look at the background to racism based upon skin color and truly understand its origins. What part has the Church played in it and why? How much does racism owe to the ‘Theory of Evolution?’ Can racism ever be justified by Christian involvement? Is racism supported by Scripture or is it simply sinful, divisive and evil? Is racism a stumbling block to finding faith in God? Does racism make people question the existence of God? How does it affect mankind and the Church? What message does it send out to the non Christian secular world? Does racism separate mankind? Does it split the Church, which is the Body of Christ? Is the Church doing enough to combat the issue of racism? And does racism ultimately offend God and if so, what should the church be doing to curb its cancerous impact on Humankind? Searching the Scriptures and looking at what God says in the Bible about racism should help shed light on this matter. Looking at man’s interpretation of creation versus evolution and uncovering certain motives behind racism will help discern the truth and provide a deeper understanding. This in turn can help lead to the unity of Humankind as God intended. Racism is a sinful, ungodly evil, and has no place in the church or in society. It goes against everything that God stands for and what He has intended for His creation. All humans have been created in the image of God and are created equal (Genesis 1:27). Can people who are racist therefore really claim to be Christian and to be true followers and disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ? Many people reject the Church as being hypocritical because of the issue of racism and this in turn keeps them from seeking God. This book will provide a better understanding of the origins of racism and explore the real underlying spiritual reasons for it and how it affects the Church. A greater understanding will provide a platform to discuss options available for the Church and what actions it should be taking to eradicate racism from its pews. It will help determine whether or not racism can ever be justified by Humankind and will support how Christians and non Christians alike, can know and better understand what is right and wrong in the eyes of God and fully appreciate how to combat racism and the impact that this sinful construct has on people across the World.
What impact does racism have on humanity? How should we respond to racism? Is racism evil, ungodly and sinful? What should the Church be doing to combat racism?
Dr. Asante uncovers 'The Truth About Racism' in this revealing and compelling book. He explains where racist ideology has come from and the reasons why some people are racist by exploring the contributions that both Christianity and the Theory of Evolution have made. Learn how the Bible was deliberately misinterpreted and abused in order to justify slavery, segregation, colonialism and apartheid. Better understand what legacy these institutions have left on people. Discover how Darwin's Theory of Evolution lead to the construction of the theory of different 'races' and the resultant development of racial superiority and inferiority, based solely on skin coloration. This is a well written and researched book that truly dissects the distressing and often uncomfortable subject of racism. It tugs at the heart strings of humanity and cries out for unity. Some will find the book controversial and uncomfortable, whilst others will find it liberating and supportive. It will challenge your very conscience and is perhaps the most revealing book on racism ever written.